
This package allows you to convert .doc, .docm, .docx to pdf document.You can find detailed information here:

pip install djangoconvertvdoctopdf==1.0.1


Django convert .doc file to pdf

This package allows you to convert .doc, .docm, .docx to pdf document. It is based on libreoffice which allows you to convert .doc files.

This package could be return converted .pdf like new file or or immediately file in view mode. Also you can convert .doc for Django model. Just pass the file from the request, model object and model field.

Installation instruction

  • Install library Libreoffice

sudo apt-get install -y libreoffice

  • Install library

pip install djangoconvertvdoctopdf

Inside a code:

Input parameters for StreamingConvertedPdf:

  • Required: dock_obj
  • No mandatory: download
    • If you want to receive the file after conversion, set: download=True by default.
    • if you want to get a view after conversion, set: download=False.

djangoconvertvdoctopdf.convertor import StreamingConvertedPdf

def custom_view(request):
    form = forms.MyCustomFrom(request.POST, request.FILES)
    if form.is_valid():
        r_file = request.FILES['my_file']
        inst = StreamingConvertedPdf(r_file)
        return inst.stream_content()
    # return something

Input parameters for ConvertFileModelField:

  • Required: dock_obj

djangoconvertvdoctopdf.convertor import ConvertFileModelField

from django.core.files import File

def custom_view(request):
    form = forms.MyCustomFrom(request.POST, request.FILES)
    if form.is_valid():
        r_file = request.FILES['my_file']
        inst = ConvertFileModelField(r_file)
        r_file = inst.get_content()
        doc_obj = models.Document()
        doc_obj.pdf_doc = File(open(r_file.get('path'), 'rb')) = r_file.get('name')
        return HttpResponse('ok')
    # return something