
Django app to json rest api provide api views, serializer, rate limit, pagination, authentication, permission,lazy response,blacklist etc.

django, restframework, djangojr, json, parse, response, request, api, wrapper, lazyresponse, ratelimit, pagination, permissions, token, authentication
pip install djangojr==1.0.5


Django Json Rest

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Django Json Rest is a Django app that provides a simple way to json rest api. It is a simple and easy to use.

Python 3.0+ is required. Django 1.8+ is required.


  • Api view
  • Response
  • Serializer
  • Lazy response
  • Rate limit
  • Blacklist
  • Token Authentication
  • Permission
  • Pagination


Install using pip:

pip install djangojr

Add djangojr.token and djangojr.ratelimit to your INSTALLED_APPS setting:


Token Authentication

Authorization : asdqwe5423asdqwe23asasd like this header is required for token authentication.


from djangojr.authentication import token_authentication
from djangojr.permissions import has_permission, has_group
from djangojr.pagenation import pagenation
from djangojr.ratelimit.utils import ForIp, ForUser, RateTime, Block
from djangojr.serializer import JsonSerializer, api_view
from djangojr.rate_limit import rate_limit
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from itertools import chain

def model_to_dict(instance, fields=None, exclude=None):
    opts = instance._meta
    data = dict()
    for f in chain(opts.concrete_fields, opts.private_fields, opts.many_to_many):
        if fields is not None and not in fields:
        if exclude and in exclude:
            data[] = f.value_from_object(instance)
    return data

class ExampleSerializer(JsonSerializer):

    model = User

    def get_fields(self):
        fields = self.model.objects.all()
        # self.DATA is validated data
        data, page_info = pagenation(
            fields, self.DATA["page"], page_size=10, start=1)
        data = list(map(lambda x: model_to_dict(x), data))
        data = dict(data=data, page_info=page_info)
        return self.http_200_ok(data=data)

@api_view(['POST'])  # GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, PATCH
@has_permission(permissions=['add_user'])  # write permission codename
@has_group(groups=['admin'])  # write group name
# RateTime and Block support day, hour, minute, second
@rate_limit(model=ForUser, rate_time=RateTime(count=10, hour=1), block=Block(active=True, minute=5))
def get_fields_api(request):
    serializer = ExampleSerializer(data=request.body)
    # serializer.MODEL support str int float bool list dict set tuple and "ANY"
    serializer.MODEL = {'name': str, "number": int, "page": int}  # define api fields and type
    serializer.OPTIONS = {"number": [1, 2, 3, 4]}  # set options for field
    serializer.MAX_LENGTH = {"name": 10}  # set max length for field
    serializer.UNDEFINED_FIELD = False  # if True, undefined field will be ignored
    if serializer.is_valid():
        return serializer.get_fields()
    return serializer.http_404_not_found()

def example(value, arg):
    # do something

@rate_limit(model=ForIp, rate_time=RateTime(count=5, hour=2, minute=15), block=Block(active=True, day=1, hour=2, second=30))
def get_fields_api(request):
    serializer = ExampleSerializer(data=request.body)
    serializer.MODEL = {"foo": str, "numbers": list}
    serializer.UNDEFINED_FIELD = True
    if serializer.is_valid():
        serializer.lazy_response(function=example, parametes=(
            serializer.DATA["foo"], serializer.DATA["numbers"]), data={})
    return serializer.http_404_not_found()