
Djangoplicity Threaded Multihost

pip install djangoplicity-threaded-multihost==1.4-2



djangoplicity-threaded multihost provides support utilities to enable easy multi-site awareness in Django apps.

Installing Djangoplicity-Threaded-Multihost

With threaded_multihost on your PYTHONPATH, just add the Threadlocal middleware to your MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES entry in your "" file.

For example:



Test suite can be done by running ./ test in the "tests" directory.

Contributing to djangoplicity-threaded-multihost

We are pleased to accept contributions and bugfixes for djangoplicity-threaded-multihost.

To make a contribution:

  1. First fork the project from github.
  2. Build and test your addon or update. You must provide tests for us to accept your contribution, and these tests should be unit tests rather than doctests. However, doctests in models are acceptible. If you are fixing a bug, it is a good rule of thumb to provide a test which provides a regression-test against that bug.
  3. If this is a simple patch, go to djangoplicity-threaded-multihost on github and enter a bug with the patch.
  4. If this is a larger patch or a new feature, make a branch and propose its merger:
    • Make a fork on github for your addition
    • Make your changes to the fork
    • Issue a pull request when it is ready for inclusion into tip.

Threaded Multihost Authors and Contributors

Core developers


  • Herbert Poul, for inspiration, ideas, and the original Threadlocals we have heavily modified.
  • Dirk Datzert <> for contributing the initial test suite and the UserField/CreatorField/EditorField in