
A ready-to-use Django project tailored for practical, real-world applications, djazz comes with pre-configured essential settings and industry best practices built-in, ensuring a streamlined development process right out of the box. Ideal for developers looking to jumpstart their projects without the hassle of initial setup.

django, djazz, rest, api, json, serializer, django-rest-framework, drf, django-rest-framework-json-api, json-api, jsonapi, json-api-serializer, cloud-native, containerization, django-application, django-framework, django-ninja, django-project, docker, docker-compose, geodjango, rest-api
pip install djazz-cc==0.1.0rc2



A ready-to-use Django project tailored for practical, real-world applications, djazz comes with pre-configured essential settings and industry best practices built-in, ensuring a streamlined development process right out of the box. Ideal for developers looking to jumpstart their projects without the hassle of initial setup.


  • Django ^5.0.: The latest version of Django, the web framework for perfectionists with deadlines.
  • PostgreSQL: The world's most advanced open-source relational database.
  • Powered by Docker: Dockerized development environment for easy setup and deployment.
  • Built-in User Authentication and Authorization: Fully functional user authentication and authorization system included.
  • Custom User Model: A custom user model is provided out of the box.
  • Built-in API: A RESTful API (both django rest framework and django ninja) is included for easy integration with frontend frameworks.
  • Django Debug Toolbar: For easy debugging and performance optimization.
  • And much more!

Quick Start

Experience djazz in production ? 🚀

Local Development

  1. Star (⭐️) and Fork 🍴 the repository.
  2. Clone the repository.
    git clone <your-github-username> djazz
  3. Change the directory.
    cd djazz
  4. Create a new virtual environment.
    python -m venv venv
  5. Activate the virtual environment.
    source venv/bin/activate
  6. Install the dependencies.
    pip install -r requirements.txt
  7. Run the PostgreSQL and Redis services using Docker.
    docker-compose up -d
  8. Apply the migrations.
    python migrate
  9. Run the development server.
    python runserver
  10. Open the browser and visit http://localhost:8000/.
  11. You're all set! 🚀