
PostgreSQL json field support for Django.

django, postgresql, pgsql, jsonb, json, field
pip install djsonb==0.2.3


A fork of django-pgjson

PostgreSQL jsonb support for Django.

This renamed fork maintains the field definitions of the excellent django-pgjson and reimagines the lookup syntax to provide Django's ORM with Postgres JsonB filters that can be arbitrarily nested and which are syntactically lightweight.


To run the tests, just ensure that you have docker installed (and docker-machine if you're on OSX).

The Docker setup will build an image with Python 2.7 installed, along with all of this project's dependencies. Build the image and launch the container with docker-compose:

$ docker-compose build
$ docker-compose run test

Installation and use

Setting up djsonb is as simple as defining a model that uses one of its fields:

from django.db import models
from djsonb import fields as jsb

class Person(models.Model):
    first_name = models.CharField(max_length=30)
    last_name = models.CharField(max_length=30)
    other_stuff = jsb.JsonBField()

We can then do some neat stuff like:

// Find people from Hays, Kansas
Person.objects.filter(other_stuff__jsonb={'other_stuff': {'home_town': {'State': {'_rule_type': 'containment', 'contains': ['Kansas']}, 'City': {'_rule_type': 'containment', 'contains': ['Hays']}}}})