
Mock Document Image Generator

pip install doc-mocker==0.0.1


Document Image Mocker

Warning: This project is completely experimental – do not use in real-world projects.

This tool is intended to generate images of fake documents using content seeders. It can be extended with plugins to add extra processing or content to the resulting images.


Running doc-mocker -h will display the following help

usage:  [-h] [-n NUMBER_OF_PAGES] [-t {A4}] [-s {BASIC}] [-o OUTPUT_PATH]

positional arguments:
  {generate}            command to run

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -n NUMBER_OF_PAGES, --number-of-pages NUMBER_OF_PAGES
                        number of pages to generate (default: 1)
  -t {A4}, --page-type {A4}
                        page type (default: A4)
  -s {BASIC}, --page-seeder {BASIC}
                        page seeder (default: BASIC)
  -o OUTPUT_PATH, --output-path OUTPUT_PATH
                        output path (default: current path)


Every contribution is welcome.

Be sure to your code is PEP-8 compliant. Use black to fix your formatting before committing changes.

black main doc_mocker

Optional: Install flake8 pre-commit hook to check your code before committing.

flake8 --install-hook git
git config --bool flake8.strict true

Create a plugin

Plugins are auto-discovered if created as modules in the sub-package doc_mocker.plugins using the namespace packages convention.

Check the noise plugin to get an idea on the required structure.

Run tests

python -m pytest


View the full list of contributors. MIT licensed.