

pip install donote==0.0.4



The minimalist note editor for your terminal.

Create notes... Edit notes... Save notes...

donote is a python implementation of a minimalist note editor for your terminal. It facilitates creating, editing and managing notes as markdown files.

As such, it provides a CLI with the followng sintax:

dono <command> <note_name (optional)> <tag (optional)>

The commands include:

  • note l/list to list all notes
  • note show <note_name> to render a single note in the terminal
  • note e/edit <note_name> to edit an existing note
  • note rm/remove <note_name> to delete a note
  • note n/new <note_name> to create a new note with a given Name
  • note t/tag <note_name> <tag> to add a new tag to an existing note
  • note untag <note_name> <tag> to remove a tag to an existing note

Editing a note opens the markdown file using nano, other editors can be used to edit the .md files externally.


    pip install donote

Disclaimer: donote is a personal project, as such the path to where the notes are saved on my machine are hardcoded. If you want to use donote let me know and we can improve this (or you can fork this repository and alter the paths).

Built with rich and pyinspect