
A copypaster for console

pip install dpaste-console==1.1.3


DPASTE -- a CLI paste tool

This script can help you paste content from the CLI onto a web service at dpaste.de.


Paste one liners

dpaste --content <content> --expire <time> --lexer <content_type>

Pase a file content

dpaste --file <file> --expire <time> --lexer <content_type>

Using a pipe to send pastes

You can also use a pipe to send text to dpaste, for example

journalctl -b | dpaste

When successful, the link to the pasted content will be printed to the console.


Expiration time

This variable sets how long the page will keep your snippet. You can use:

  • onetime (This will let you display once.)
  • hour (default)
  • day
  • week

Content type (lexer)

This variable tells the engine how to highlight the content.

  • _text (default)
  • bash
  • c
  • html
  • perl
  • python
  • java
  • rst
  • tex
  • vim

More can be seen in the Dpaste documentaton.


When you have a python script program.py and you want to paste it for a week, with Python highlighting, do:

dpaste --file program.py --expire week --lexer python

You can also use -f, -e, and -l shortcuts to provide arguments.