
API tracking package.

django, django-rest-framework, drf, pakcage, python
pip install drf-debug==1.2.1


DRF Debug

A package to tracking your API in django rest framework.


pip install drf-debug
python manage.py migrate

add tracking.mixins.LoggingMixin to any DRF view to create a instance of APIRequestLog every time the view is called.

# views.py
from rest_framework.views import APIView
from rest_framework.response import Response
from tracking.mixins import LoggingMixin

class LoggingView(LoggingMixin, APIView):
    def get(self, request):
        return Response('with logging')

For performance enhancement, explicitly choose methods to be logged using logging_methods attribute:

class LoggingView(LoggingMixin, generics.CreateModelMixin, generics.GenericAPIView):
    logging_methods = ['POST', 'PUT']
    model = ...

Moreover, you could define your own rules by overriding should_log method. If should_log evaluates to True a log is created.

class LoggingView(LoggingMixin, generics.GenericAPIView):
    def should_log(self, request, response):
        """Log only errors"""
        return response.status_code >= 400

You could define your own handling. For example save on an in-memory data structure store, remote logging system etc.

class LoggingView(LoggingMixin, generics.GenericAPIView):
    def handle_log(self, request, response):
        cache.set('my_key', self.log, 86400)

Or you could omit save a request to the database. For example,

class LoggingView(LoggingMixin, generics.GenericAPIView):
    def handle_log(self, request, response):
        Save only very slow requests. Requests that took more than a second.
        if self.log['response_ms'] > 1000:
            super(LoggingMixin, self).handle_log(request, response)

By default drf-debug is hiding the values of those fields ['api', 'token', 'key', 'secret', 'password', 'signature'] You can complete this list with your own list by putting the fields you want to be hidden in the sensitive_fields parameter of your view.

class LoggingView(LoggingMixin, generics.CreateModelMixin, generics.GenericAPIView):
    sensitive_fields = ['password', 'my_secret_field']


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