
A simplistic/very extendable pdf renderer.

pip install drf-pdf-renderer==0.1.2


DRF PDF Renderer

A simplistic/very extendable pdf renderer.

If you use or like the project, click Star and Watch to generate metrics and i evaluate project continuity.


This project is a Beta version, however is used in production in a big project (with custom pdf template, and manually fields instead of automatic).
however, due to my low availability, updates may take some time. but i will keep an eye on the PR.


pip install drf-pdf-renderer


  1. Add to your INSTALLED_APPS, in settings.py:

  2. In your file:

    from rest_framework.settings import api_settings
    from drf_pdf_renderer.renderer import PDFRendererPaginated
    class YourView(...)
        renderer_classes = (*api_settings.DEFAULT_RENDERER_CLASSES, PDFRendererPaginated)
        pdf_display_fields = (['id', 'Label for ID'], )  # used only in automatic field (caution: refactor planned in futures versions)
        pdf_display_fields = ''  # contains two built-in templates ['pdf/list_landscape.html', 'pdf/list_portrait.html']
  3. Mixin for paginated results

    • if you have a pagination on DRF, but require a PDF with all registries, you can use this Mixin
    from rest_framework.settings import api_settings
    from drf_pdf_renderer.mixin import PdfAllResultsMixin
    class YourView(PdfAllResultsMixin, ...)
        pdf_display_fields = (['id', 'Label for ID'], )  # used only in automatic field (caution: refactor planned in futures versions)
        pdf_display_fields = ''  # contains two built-in templates ['pdf/list_landscape.html', 'pdf/list_portrait.html']


  1. Custom PDF Template

    • this project use xhtml2pdf, check documentation of html constructor here.
  2. Changing PDF title

    # First way
    class YourView(...)
        pdf_title = 'My Title'
    # Second way
    class YourView(...)
        def pdf_get_title(self, data, context)
            return ''
  3. Changing PDF download name

    # First way
    class YourView(...)
        pdf_filename = 'My Title'
    # Second way
    class YourView(...)
        def pdf_get_filename(self, pdf, data)
            return ''
  4. Custom data to render context

    - By default `data`, `request`, `title` and `fields` will always be present (but can be rewrited)
    # Second way
    class YourView(...)
        def pdf_mount_context(data)
            return {'adm': True}