
Provides functions for neatly printing debug information to the terminal output, well-suited for multithreaded programs.

multithread, traceback, debugging, utility, fancy, debugging-tool, multithreading, python
pip install dvg-debug-functions==2.2.0


https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/dvg-debug-functions https://img.shields.io/pypi/pyversions/dvg-debug-functions


Provides functions for neatly printing debug information to the terminal output, well-suited for multithreaded programs.

Supports PyQt5, PyQt6, PySide2 and PySide6.


pip install dvg-debug-functions



  • print_fancy_traceback(err=None, back: int = 3, show_full_paths: bool = False)

    Print the exception or the current regular call-stack traceback to the terminal, using ANSI color codes that mimic the IPython command shell.

    err (Exception | str | None, optional):

    When err is of type Exception, then an exception traceback will be printed. When err is of another type, then the current regular call-stack traceback will be printed.

    Default: None

    back (int, optional):

    Depth of the traceback to print.

    Default: 3

    show_full_paths (bool, optional):

    Shows the full filepath in the traceback when True, otherwise just the filename.

    Default: False

    Example output:

  • dprint(str_msg: str, ANSI_color: str = None)

    'Debug' print a single line to the terminal with optional ANSI color codes. There is a lot of overhead using this print statement, but it is particularly well-suited for multithreaded PyQt programs where multiple threads are each printing information to the same terminal. The dprint() function ensure that each line sent to the terminal will remain as a continious single line, whereas a regular print() statement will likely result in the lines getting mixed up.

    The line will be terminated with a newline character and the terminal output buffer is forced to flush before and after every print. In addition, if PyQt5 is present in the Python environment, then a mutex lock will be obtained and released again for each dprint() execution.

  • tprint(str_msg: str, ANSI_color: str = None)

    Identical to dprint(), but now prepended with a time.perf_counter() timestamp.


class ANSI:
    NONE    = ""
    RED     = "\033[1;31m"
    GREEN   = "\033[1;32m"
    YELLOW  = "\033[1;33m"
    BLUE    = "\033[1;34m"
    PURPLE  = "\033[1;35m"  # aka MAGENTA
    MAGENTA = "\033[1;35m"
    CYAN    = "\033[1;36m"
    WHITE   = "\033[1;37m"