Create a database of DVHs, GUI with wxPython, plots with Bokeh

dvh, radiation, therapy, research, dicom, dicom-rt, bokeh, analytics, wxpython, machine-learning, pydicom, radiation-oncology, dicompyler, wxpython-phoenix
pip install dvha==0.7.5.dev2



Welcome to the brand new DVH Analytics (DVHA), rewritten as a native OS application with wxPython. The previous web-based version can be found here but is no longer being developed.

DVHA Executables

Executable versions of DVHA can be found here. Please keep in mind this software is still in beta. If you have issues, compiling from source may be more informative.


DVH Analytics is a software application to help radiation oncology departments build an in-house database of treatment planning data for the purpose of historical comparisons and statistical analysis.

The application builds a SQL database of DVHs and various planning parameters from DICOM files (i.e., Plan, Structure, Dose). Since the data is extracted directly from DICOM files, we intend to accommodate an array of treatment planning system vendors.

DVH Analytics screenshot

In addition to viewing DVH data, this software provides methods to:

  • download queried data
  • create time-series plots of various planning and dosimetric variables
  • calculate correlations
  • generate multi-variable linear and machine learning regressions.
  • additional screenshots available here

The code is built upon these core libraries:

  • wxPython Phoenix - Build a native GUI on Windows, Mac, or Unix systems
  • Pydicom - Read, modify and write DICOM files with python code
  • dicompyler-core - Extensible radiation therapy research platform and viewer for DICOM and DICOM RT
  • Bokeh - Interactive Web Plotting for Python
  • scikit-learn - Machine Learning in Python


To install via pip:

pip install dvha

If you've installed via pip or, launch from your terminal with:


If you've cloned the project, but did not run the installer, launch DVHA with:


See our installation notes for potential Shapely install issues on MS Windows and help setting up a PostgreSQL database if it is preferred over SQLite3.



If you like DVHA and would like to support our mission, all we ask is that you cite us if we helped your publication, or help the DVHA community by submitting bugs, issues, feature requests, or solutions on the issues page.


Cutright D, Gopalakrishnan M, Roy A, Panchal A, and Mittal BB. "DVH Analytics: A DVH database for clinicians and researchers." Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics 19.5 (2018): 413-427.

Related Publications

Roy A, Cutright D, Gopalakrishnan M, Yeh AB, and Mittal BB. "A Risk-Adjusted Control Chart to Evaluate IMRT Plan Quality." Advances in Radiation Oncology (2019).

Selected Studies Using DVHA

5,000 Patients
National Cancer Institute (5R01CA219013-03): Active 8/1/17 → 7/31/22
Retrospective NCI Phantom-Monte Carlo Dosimetry for Late Effects in Wilms Tumor
Brannigan R (Co-Investigator), Kalapurakal J (PD/PI), Kazer R (Co-Investigator)

265 Patients
Gross J, et al. "Determining the organ at risk for lymphedema after regional nodal irradiation in breast cancer." International Journal of Radiation Oncology* Biology* Physics 105.3 (2019): 649-658.