
An electronics parts management software

pip install e7epd==0.7.0b0


E707 Electronics Parts Database (E7EPD)

Database Rev 0.6-beta, Backend and CLI Rev 0.7.0-beta

Still a Work-In-Progress

This project attempts to create yet another open-source electronics parts management system. While there are some out there, I wasn't satisfied with them.

Philosophy and Goals

  • Simplicity: The core application should remain simple to allow for ease of adding features. This is partially why only a CLI will be created for this instead of a webpage or a GUI application, and why the language this program will use is Python.
  • Modularity: The core application will be made in such a way as to allow ease of adding new parameters for example. Mostly will be accomplished with configuration lists
  • Parameterization, Kind of: The only components that really need parameterization are things like resistors, capacitors, etc. Things where the specific part number doesn't matter for a project. In contrast to a microcontroller, a project can't really say: I don't care which micro as long as it's 8-bits.
  • Interoperability: This database specification will use a common database (SQL like), and be documented so that migration from and away from this specific program shall be possible.


From Rev0.4 and onwards, e7epd can be installed with

pip install e7epd

To install from the GitHub repository, run the following command inside the cloned repository:

pip install .


NOTICE: The password for the database server is stored in a json file in plain format. Make sure the db account only has permission to the parts' database.

NOTICE: The database between the server and the client can be in plain-text if ssl is not enabled with the new Mongo setup

CLI Application

To start using this application/database, simply launch e7epd from the command line. Prompts should show up, allowing you to interact with the parts database. Some of the things you can do with it are:

  • Add a part
  • Delete a part
  • See the entire part's database table
  • Add and/or remove stock to a part


The documentation for this project can be found in the project's readthedocs.

The documentation is for the latest released version. For the non-released master docs, see here.

Database specification and Interface

For more details as to how parts are stored in the database, see database specification

The python file e7epd.py includes a E7EPD class, which is a wrapper for the database. To add the database wrapper e7epd.py to your project, you will need Python>3.7 with their pre-installed packages as well as the following extra packages:

The following packages are required to run the e7epd CLI utility:

Changelog and In-Progress

For the changelog and in-progress additions, see the project's master changelog for more details on that.


The license for this project is the GNU General Public License v3. The full text can be found at LICENSE.md