
Asynchronous EarnApp API wrapper written in Python using asyncio.

python, earnapi, earnapp, api, wrapper, passive, income, dashboard, requests
pip install earnapi==1.1.2



EarnApp API wrapper written in Python using asyncio, inspired from pyEarnapp (which does not use asyncio).

Be careful how you use this library!

This library is not officially supported by EarnApp. Use it at your own risk. I am not responsible for any damage caused by using this library.
Also, please do not spam the API with requests. It is not nice and can get you banned or rate limited, and EarnApp rate limits last a lot.


pip install earnapi

Example usage

import asyncio
from earnapi import Client

loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
client = Client("your_auth_token_cookie")
async def main():
    # Get user information
    userdata = await client.get_user_data()
    print("User data:", userdata)
    # Get information about earnings
    earnings = await client.get_earnings()
    print("Earnings:", earnings)
    # Get a list of devices
    devices = await client.get_devices()
    print("Devices:", devices)
    # Get your transactions
    transactions = await client.get_transactions()
    print("Transactions:", transactions)
    # Get referrals
    referrals = await client.get_referrals()
    print("Referrals:", referrals)
    # Device statuses
    device_statuses = await client.get_device_statuses()
    print("Device statuses:", device_statuses)
    # IP check
    ip_allowed = await client.is_ip_allowed("your_ip_address_here")
    print("IP", "is" if ip_allowed else "is not", "allowed to use EarnApp")
    # Redeem to PayPal, may raise an exception
    redeemed = await client.redeem_to_paypal("your_paypal@email_he.re")
    print("Redeemed" if redeemed else "Could not redeem", "your balance to PayPal.")
    # Add a device (not tested)
    #await client.add_device("sdk-xxxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx")
    # Delete a device (not tested)
    #await client.delete_device("sdk-xxxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx")
