
Create and process templates with ease

pip install easy-template==0.0.2


Easy Template

Process templates with ease.

You can process template files (process_file()) or text templates (process_template()).


process_file('foobar.md', values={'name': 'Hans'}, lookup_dir='scripts')

  • {{=key}} gets replaced with the value looked up in the provided value dict
  • {{=key.nested_key1.nested_key2}} gets replaced with the value looked up in the provided value dict: values['key']['nested_key1']['nested_key2']
  • {{foobar.py}} gets replaced with the content of the file located in the lookup_dir folder or a subfolder.
  • {{%py% foobar.py}} wraps the content with a markdown code block.
  • {{%py%= key}} wraps the content as a markdown code block.

helper functions

Side-By-Side Code

Sometimes it is useful to have a side-by-side view of some code, especially for correcting examns...

See the examples for more details. The bewlow returns a Table as follows:

side_by_side_code(q2_answer, q2_solution, titles=['Answer', 'Solution'], max_line_length=80)


Answer                    | Solution
def collatz(a):           | def collatz(number):
    if a % 2 == 0:        |     if number % 2 == 0:
        return int(a / 2) |         return number // 2
    else:                 |     return 3 * number + 1
        return 3 * a + 1  |
                          | zahl = 9
z = 9                     | result = []
r = []                    | while zahl > 1:
while z > 1:              |     zahl = collatz(zahl)
    z = collatz(z)        |     result.append(zahl)
    r.append(z)           | print(result)
print(r)                  |

Package and upload to pip

@see this tutorial

rm -rf build/ dist/ easy_template.egg-info/ && \
python3 setup.py sdist bdist_wheel && \
python3 -m twine upload dist/*


0.0.2 fix bug which stopped future template replacing when no script was found 0.0.1 initial release