
EasyXML is a simple object representation of an XML document.

pip install easy-xml==0.7.0


EasyXML presents a simplified view of an XML document.

Elements in the XML document, including the root-level document, are represented by EasyXML objects. Each EasyXML object has a _name attribute holding the name of the element represented by the EasyXML object, a dictionary called _attrs holding the element's attributes, and a sequence called _content holding the content of the element. The _content sequence contains strings for the character data within the element (with whitespace stripped from the beginning and end), and other EasyXML objects for nested XML elements.

The content of the EasyXML object can be accessed directly as if it were a sequence itself. In addition, the element's attributes themselves may be accessed by name on the EasyXML object.

For example, the XML fragment <zip code="12345">Schenectady, NY</zip> would be returned as an EasyXML object where name.``_name`` is 'zip', name.``_attrs`` is {'code': '12345'}, name. _content is ['Schenectady, NY'], name.``code`` is '12345', and name.``[0]`` is 'Schenectady, NY'.


# Import the EasyXML class
from easy_xml import EasyXML

# Parse the file-like object `stream` into an EasyXML structure.
xmldoc = EasyXML.parseXML(stream)

# Find the first ``<hello>`` node in the document.
# If it exists, record its content in the `hello` variable.
# If not, record ``world`` in `hello`, and create a new
# ``<hello>world</hello>`` XML element at the top of the document.

for element in xmldoc:
    if isinstance(element,EasyXML) and element._name == 'hello':
        hello = ' '.join(element._content)

if hello is None:
    hello = 'world'
    element = EasyXML('hello', content=[hello])
    xmldoc._content.insert(0, element)

# Convert the EasyXML structure back into a valid XML document.
xmlfile = str(xmldoc)


  • Processing instructions and comments are ignored.
  • Only basic entity processing (&lt;, &gt;, and &amp;) is performed.