
An easy encryption module.

pip install easyenc==0.0.2


EasyEnc, encryption module made for Python.

EasyEnc is a quick, light and easy module made for Python, to ease your encryption needs.

Installation Instructions

Installing this module is as easy as advertised:

Method 1: You can run pip install easyenc in your CMD/Terminal to download and install it directly from PyPI (Python Package Index).

Method 2: You can download the source code from this repository and after that, running pip install "the/path/to/the/downloaded/repo" in your CMD/Terminal and you're done!

Usage and Prerequisites

Only requirement this module asks for is the Cryptography module which you can install with pip install cryptography

To use this module, open up a new Python file and type from EasyEnc import KeyGenerator, Encryptor From there, you can create instances of these classes and use the functions inside them, like:

kg = KeyGenerator()
e = Encryptor()

key = kg.generate_key("foobar")
super_top_secret_message = e.encrypt_message("deep dark secret", key)


Don't worry you can also decrypt it! But to find out more about it, you can open up a Python Shell and type: from EasyEnc.classes import KeyGenerator, Encryptor and then: help(KeyGenerator) or help(Encryptor)

and Python will display all the available functions along with some documentation included in the source code!

Bugs and Issues

If you encounter any bugs with the module, feel free to send me a message on Discord @saint#5622, or email me at erick.8bld@gmail.com