Ecogwiki OAuth client

oauth, markdown
pip install ecog==


ecog is a python client that talks with ecogwiki. It is configurable to talk with any other ecogwiki hosts.


You only need the file, with dependencies: oauth2, feedparser, python-dateutil

Requires python 2.7 or higher.

pip Install

pip install ecog

This will install ecog package together with its dependencies. An runnable ecog program is also installed for easy use.

Manual Install

Download the file and start using it. Don't forget to install oauth2, feedparser and python-dateutil.

Getting Started

Try the following commands:

ecog list

ecog cat Home

ecog edit Home

will act on default host, .

If you have your own host, you can do it on your host:

ecog --host cat 'ecogwiki client'

Commands List

  • title - print page titles (think of ls -1)
  • list - list wiki pages with simple info (think of ls -l)
  • recent - list only recent pages
  • get PAGE_TITLE - print metadata of title, in json format
  • cat PAGE_TITLE - print content of title, in markdown format
  • edit PAGE_TITLE - open default EDITOR to edit and save page
  • memo - short, useful daily memo ;)


$ ecog -h
usage: ecog [-h] [--auth FILE] [--host HOST] COMMAND ...

Ecogwiki client

positional arguments:
  COMMAND      ecogwiki commands
	cat        print page in markdown
	get        print page in json
	list       list pages info
	title      list all titles
	recent     list recent modified pages
	edit       edit page with editor
	memo       quick memo

optional arguments:
  -h, --help   show this help message and exit
  --auth FILE  auth file storing access token
  --host HOST  ecogwiki server host

Information in your fingertips.

NOTE you can use --host option to refer to other hosts beside the default It may be a good idea to alias the default behavior, such as:

alias ecog='ecog --host'


ecog uses OAuth authorization to obtain the access right for the ecogwiki resource. It saves the obtained access token under users acknowledge, so you don't have to do the OAuth dance every time! :)

Authorization Example

$ ecog cat some-restricted-content
access is restricted. Do you want to authorize? (Y/n) y

Go to the following link in your browser:

<user visits the url with their browser and confirms authorization>

Have you authorized me? (y/N) y

You may now access protected resources using the access tokens above.
Do you want to save access token for later? (Y/n) y


Of course, you don't need to authorize at all if the page is not restricted.

Commands Description


Prints list of titles for the page.


Print list of pages with additional info. More detailed than title.


Show only recently changed files. More brief than title.


Show metadata of the page, such as revision, last updated time, acls. The actual body is trimmed for readability. You can request data for a specific revision of page with --revision.

$ ecog get -h
usage: ecog get [-h] [--revision REV] TITLE

positional arguments:
  TITLE            page title

optional arguments:
  -h, --help       show this help message and exit
  --revision REV   specific revision number
  --format FORMAT  one of [json|html|markdown|atom], json by default

Note other formats are also possible.


Show actual content of the page. You can request data for a specific revision of page with --revision.

$ ecog cat -h
usage: ecog cat [-h] [--revision REV] TITLE

positional arguments:
  TITLE           page title

optional arguments:
  -h, --help      show this help message and exit
  --revision REV  specific revision number

Note this is shorthand for ecog get --format=markdown


Edit a page with system's default editor -- in most of the systems it's default to vi.

It works in series of steps as the following:

  1. ecog first reads the most up-to-date page data.
  2. editor is fired so you can edit the file.
  3. ecog prompts you for a comment message. This can be given in advance with --comment option.
  4. ecog saves the new content to the next revision.

Note unchanged content is not saved.

$ ecog edit -h
usage: ecog edit [-h] [--template TEXT] [--comment TEXT] TITLE

Edit page with your favorite editor ($EDITOR)

positional arguments:
  TITLE            page title

optional arguments:
  -h, --help       show this help message and exit
  --template TEXT  text on new file
  --comment TEXT   edit comment message

You may give a default text to begin with if you are creating a new page with --template option.


You can quickly add to a specific page -- no need to do all the readings beforehand.

$ ecog append -h
usage: ecog append [-h] [--comment MSG] TITLE [TEXT]

Quickly append to page

positional arguments:
  TITLE          page title
  TEXT           body text. fires editor if not given

optional arguments:
  -h, --help     show this help message and exit
  --comment MSG  comment message

The body text is optional. If not given, once again the editor will fire open.


Write a daily memo. ecog supports easy-to-write memo system.

Everytime you fire ecog memo, it will open a page titled memo/YYYY-mm-dd with today's date.

$ ecog memo -h
usage: ecog memo [-h] [--comment TEXT]

Edit your daily memo

optional arguments:
  -h, --help      show this help message and exit
  --comment TEXT  edit comment message

NOTE this is shorthand for ecog edit memo/YYYY-mm-dd.


  • user config files
  • print highlighted markdown (+pygmentize)
  • auto TAB-completion on titles (bash-completion)
  • advanced commands like: find, grep
  • and much more to come..