
Cli tool to access Amazon ECS containers with a shell

pip install ecsh==0.2.1



With ecsh you can easy access with a shell your ECS docker containers.

To enter the container you will need a bastion in your EC2 infrastructure properly configured to access all the instances which runs docker.

By the Elastic Container Service point of view we will do:

        |                                                              |
        | cluster                                                      |
        |                                                              |
        |  +--------------------------+  +--------------------------+  |
        |  |                          |  |                          |  |
        |  |  service                 |  |  service                 |  |
        |  |                          |  |                          |  |
        |  |  +--------------------+  |  |  +--------------------+  |  |
        |  |  |                    |  |  |  |                    |  |  |
        |  |  |  task              |  |  |  |  task              |  |  |
        |  |  |                    |  |  |  |                    |  |  |
+-----+ |  |  |   +-------------+  |  |  |  |   +-------------+  |  |  |
| you |---ssh---->|  container  |  |  |  |  |   |  container  |  |  |  |
+-----+ |  |  |   +-------------+  |  |  |  |   +-------------+  |  |  |
        |  |  |                    |  |  |  |                    |  |  |
        |  |  +--------------------+  |  |  +--------------------+  |  |
        |  |                          |  |                          |  |
        |  +--------------------------+  +--------------------------+  |
        |                                                              |

By the EC2 point of view you will do:

            ||                                                      ||
            ||  Amazon Web Services - VPC                           ||
            ||                                                      ||
            ||                   +-------------------------------+  ||
            ||                   |                               |  ||
            ||                   |  EC2-Instance                 |  ||
+-----+ ssh ||   +---------+ ssh |                               |  ||
| you |-----||-->| bastion |---->|----+    +------------------+  |  ||
+-----+     ||   +---------+     |    +--->| docker-container |  |  ||
            ||                   |         +------------------+  |  ||
            ||                   |                               |  ||
            ||                   |         +------------------+  |  ||
            ||                   |         | docker-container |  |  ||
            ||                   |         +------------------+  |  ||
            ||                   |                               |  ||
            ||                   +-------------------------------+  ||
            ||                                                      ||


Install the package.

pip install ecsh

Configure IAM

Create user called ecsh with programatic access and attach a custom policy with thos permissions:

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Sid": "Stmt1493373127000",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": [

Then configure the programatic access at the computer you want to use ecsh

aws configure


ecsh # And anything else :)

Configure your .ecshcfg

Not implemented yet!

By default ecsh will prompt for every needed option if not specified.

As many times you will use the same arguments, use the same bastion instance, enter the same container etc. Is useful to create a .ecshcfg file in your project or user home.

ecsh will look for a .ecshcfg file in your current directory, if not found will look for it on each parent directory until the root of the filesystem is reached.

So first (nearest) .ecshcfg found will be used.

The .ecshcfg is a yaml file where you can set default parameters or create environments. All variables are optional.

cluster: mycluster
service: sales

         container: web_front

        cluster: mydevcluster
        contaner: web_back

With those settings:

  • If ecsh is invoked without arguments it will enter using to mycluster/sales/ and it will be prompet which container to use.

  • If ecsh -e myprod is invoked it will use all the default settings but the container won't be prompted as web_front will be used.

  • If I type ecsh -e mydev I'll inherit the sales service and task from the defaults but the bastion, cluster and container will be overriden by the environment specific ones.

  • If at some level there is one choose (i.e. you only have one cluster) ecsh won't prompt anything and will use it.

Remember that you can override any parameter by invoking it with a -- at the cli.

ecsh -e mydev --container web_varnish

In this case ecsh will use the service and task from the defaults, bastion and cluster from the environment mydev and finally override the container from mydev with the specified one in the cli.

If you want you can also set your AWS cretentials inside the .ecshcfg instead of using the aws cli ones.