
EEA Icons used throughout the EEA sites

EEA, Add-ons, Plone, Zope
pip install eea.icons==3.3


EEA Icons

develop master


Font Awesome icons for Plone and EEA packages


This add-on doesn't do anything by itself. It needs to be integrated by a developer within your own products. For reference you can check the eea.progressbar package.

Main features

  1. Register Font Awesome icons into Plone CSS registry
  2. Register Font Awesome Animation into Plone CSS registry


Getting started

Simply use the <span> tag with specific classes as following:

<span class="eea-icon eea-icon-camera-retro"></span>

And for animated icons:

<span class="eea-icon eea-icon-heart eea-icon-anim-burst animated"></span>

You can use the entire set of Font Awesome icons . Font Awesome gives you scalable vector icons that can instantly be customized - size, color, drop shadow, and anything that can be done with the power of CSS.

There are many ways to customise the icons display. See the practical examples and just replace the generic fa- classname with our eea-icon- class prefix and for font awesome animated icons replace faa- classname with our eea-icon-anim- class prefix.

Source code

Copyright and license

The Initial Owner of the Original Code is European Environment Agency (EEA). All Rights Reserved.

The EEA Icons (the Original Code) is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

More details under docs/License.txt


EEA - European Environment Agency (EU)