
A visual wrapper for efibootmgr

app, installer, manager, appimages
pip install efibootdude==0.5.1



efibootdude presents a visual (curses) interface to efibootmgr which allows editing the bios boot menu and parameters while running Linux.

  • Install efibootdude using pipx install efibootdude, or however you do so.
  • Prerequisites: install rhboot/efibootmgr
    • For example, on a Debian derived distro, use sudo apt install efibootmgr.

efibootdude covers only the most commonly used capabilities of efibootmgr including:

  • reordering boot entries,
  • removing boot entries,
  • setting the boot entry for the next boot only,
  • setting boot entries active or inactive, and
  • setting the boot menu timeout value (until it boots the default entry).

To be sure, there are many other esoteric uses of efibootmanager including adding a new boot entry; for such needs, just use efibootmgr directly.


After running efibootdude and making some changes, you'll see a screen comparable to this:


At this point

  • The "current" line starts with > and is highlighted.
  • The top line shows actions for the current line; type the underscored letter to effect its action.
  • Type ? for a more complete explanation of the keys, navigation keys, etc.
    • ALWAYS view the help at least once if unfamiliar with this tool, it navigation, and/or uncertain of keys not shown on top line.
  • With this current line, we can:
    • Type u or d to move it up or down in the boot order.
    • Type t to relabel the boot entry.
    • Type r to remove the boot entry.
    • And so forth.
  • The entries with * on the left are active boot entries; toggle whether active by typing * for the corresponding entries.
  • Press ESC key to abandon any changes and reload the boot information.
  • When ready to write the changes to the BIOS, enter w.
  • When the changes look good, type b to reboot, if you wish.
  • When writing the changes, efibootdude drops out of menu mode so you can verify the underlying commands, error codes, and error messages.


  • Some operations may not work permanently even though there is no indication from efibootmgr (e.g., on my desktop, I cannot re-label boot entries).
  • Some operations may only work (again) after re-booting (e.g., you might find activating an entry does not work, but it does so after a reboot).

About this Project

This project was inspired by Elinvention/efiboots. Relative to that project, the aims of efibootdude are:

  • to be easier to install especially when not in your distro's repos.
  • to clearly present the partition of the boot entries (as a mount point if mounted and, otherwise, the device pathname).
  • to show the underlying commands being run for education, for verification, and for help on investigating issues.