
Keep consistent order of eigenvalues and eigenvectors of successive eigenvalue/vector problems based on the inital ordering of eigenvalues from low to high by matching closest eigenvectors and eigenvalues.

pip install eigenshuffle


Python versions on PyPI CeNTREX-TlF version on PyPI Code style: black


Adapted from code by bmachiel, which in turn was based on matlab eigenshuffle.

Consistently sort eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a series of matrices based on initial ordering from low to high.

Includes eigenshuffle_eig and eigenshuffle_eigh for non-hermitian and hermitian matrices, respectively.


Install from pypi with:

pip install eigenshuffle

or clone repo and install with pip or directly install from GitHub with:

pip install git+https://github.com/ograsdijk/CeNTREX-trajectories


import numpy as np
import numpy.typing as npt
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from eigenshuffle import eigenshuffle_eig

def eigenvalue_function(
    t: float,
) -> npt.NDArray[np.float_]:
    return np.array(
            [1, 2 * t + 1, t**2, t**3],
            [2 * t + 1, 2 - t, t**2, 1 - t**3],
            [t**2, t**2, 3 - 2 * t, t**2],
            [t**3, 1 - t**3, t**2, 4 - 3 * t],

tseq = np.arange(-1, 1.1, 0.1)
Aseq = np.array([eigenvalue_function(ti) for ti in tseq])

e, v = np.linalg.eig(Aseq)

es, vs = eigenshuffle_eig(Aseq)

# sorting original eig result from low to high
e = np.sort(e)

fig, ax = plt.subplots()
lines = ax.plot(tseq, e)

for i in range(ei.shape[-1]):
    ax.plot(tseq, ei.real[:, i], "--", color=lines[i].get_color())

# for generating the legend
line1 = plt.Line2D([0, 1], [0, 1], linestyle="-", color="black")
line2 = plt.Line2D([0, 1], [0, 1], linestyle="--", color="black")

ax.legend([line1, line2], ["sorted", "eigenshuffle"])

consistenly sorted eigenvalues
Here the eigenvalues are consistently ordered, and are not switching positions after a level crossing (around t=0.3) when using eigenshuffle.