A simple ejudge for Python. Supports several languages and sandboxing.

pip install ejudge==0.5.17


ejudge is a library that implements a basic electronic judge/grader for code. It can run Python, Ruby, C, and C++ code in a sandbox and supporting other languages is easy.

This library uses the iospec format for specifying the expected inputs and outputs for the some program execution. For more info, refer to the iospec manual.

Command line

The ejudge accepts two sub-commands:

$ ejudge run <source> <inputs>:
Runs the given input source code and passes all inputs defined in the <inputs> file. The inputs may be either a simple text file with one input per line or an IoSpec source file with an .iospec extension.
$ ejudge grade <source> <iospec inputs>:
Runs the input source code and compares the result with the given IoSpec test cases. It than returns a feedback message telling if the code ran as expected and, in case of errors, what are the probable problems.


The main entry points in the :mod:`ejudge` module are the :func:`ejudge.run` and :func:`ejudge.grade` functions. The first is responsible for running code against a set of inputs and collect the resulting IO. The second function runs code and compares it with the expected iospec result.

>>> from ejudge import run
>>> src = 'print("hello %s!" % input("name: "))'
>>> inputs = ['john']
>>> spec = run(src, inputs, lang='python')
>>> list(spec[0])  # fetch the first test case
[Out('name: '), In('john'), Out('hello john!')]