
Electronic Package Descriptor, an abstract model to describe electronic components for my generator of symbols for Kicad.

kicad, python3
pip install electronic-package-descriptor-by-sporniket==0.0.7


Sporniket's electronic package descriptor

Latest version Workflow status Download status

[WARNING] Please read carefully this note before using this project. It contains important facts.


  1. What is Sporniket's electronic package descriptor, and when to use it ?
  2. What should you know before using Sporniket's electronic package descriptor ?
  3. How to use Sporniket's electronic package descriptor ?
  4. Known issues
  5. Miscellanous

1. What is Sporniket's electronic package descriptor, and when to use it ?

Sporniket's electronic package descriptor is a python library that provide an abstract model and API for helping generate component symbols for EDA suites like Kicad.


Sporniket's electronic package descriptor is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

Sporniket's electronic package descriptor is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.

Release notes


  • Resolves #30 : [bug] a group having some pins recognized as bus hangs


  • Resolves #29 : Deserializer should support missing optionnal fields in meta data
  • Narrow down supported python versions matrix : 3.8, 3.9, 3.10


  • Resolves #26 : Supplemental pins layouts : DIM, SIM
  • Resolves #27 : Groups with bus pattern MUST have only 'bus' in slots


  • Resolves #24 : [bug][parser] The name of the package should be uppercase and replace some non-alphanumeric characters by '_'


  • The model of an electronic package is complete
  • A parser of datasheet written in Markdown format
  • A JSON format for serializing and deserializing.


  • The model of a group of pins is complete


  • the model of a pin is complete

2. What should you know before using Sporniket's electronic package descriptor ?

Sporniket's electronic package descriptor is written using python version 3.6, and should work with python version 3.7 up to 3.10.

It relies on the following packages to build and test :

  • build
  • pytest

It also relies on the following package to enforce source formatting :

  • black

see README packaging for further details.

Sporniket's electronic package descriptor maintains a set of specifications :

Do not use Sporniket's electronic package descriptor if this project is not suitable for your project.

3. How to use Sporniket's electronic package descriptor ?

From sources

To get the latest available models, one must clone the git repository, build and install the package.

git clone https://github.com/sporniket/electronic-package-descriptor.git
cd electronic-package-descriptor
python3 -m build && python3 -m pip install --force-reinstall dist/*.whl

Then, import the library in your code :

from electronic_package_descriptor import *

Using pip

pip install electronic-package-descriptor-by-sporniket

Then, import the library in your code :

from electronic_package_descriptor import *

4. Known issues

See the project issues page.

5. Miscellanous

Supplemental documentation :

Report issues

Use the project issues page.