Tool to correlate published CVE's against Enterprise Linux against known exploits.

cve, exploit, linux
pip install elem==0.3.0



Welcome to the Enterprise Linux Exploit Mapper. The purpose of the elem tool is to assist with assessments known exploits on an enterprise Linux host. Initially the STRIDE threat scoring model will be used though this tool is designed to support additional models.


There are two components necessary to use all the features of elem.

  1. The elem repository:
  2. The curation information stored in the elem-curation repository:

The current version of elem requires that the curation repository be cloned separately. The rationale is that because exploit POC's are now included with the curation data, the act of downloading the exploits to a host must be due to a conscious and deliberate act by the user. For more information as to what information is stored in the curation repo, please see the elem-curation

Getting Started

Obtain the Curation Data

We recommend cloning the data via git.

git clone

You'll need to note the location. ;-)

Install the ELEM tool

There are a couple ways to accomplish this. First is to clone via git. The second is to insall bia Pypi. We recommend that latter as elem has some dependencies that will automatically be installed via pip. Furthermore, we recommend the use of Python Virtualenv. This will ensure that elem is installed in an isolated Python environment.

Clone the Repository

git clone


pip install elem


sudo easy_install virtualenv
virtualenv elem
cd elem
source bin/activate
pip install elem

NOTE This is a known issue in Python 2.6 where the version of wheel causes some conflicts. This can be resolved with:

pip install wheel==0.29.0

General Usage

Executing elem with the --help argument will provide some basic guidance.

(elem) [admin@localhost elem]$ elem --help
usage: elem [-h] [--notlsverify] {host,cve,score,exploit} ...

Cross Reference CVE's against a Exploit-DB entries for Enterprise Linux.

positional arguments:

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

Assessing a Host

The first action you probably want to perform is an assessment. This is acheived with the host subcommand. The only required argument here is the location of the curation data. For example:

(elem) [admin@localhost elem]$ elem host assess --curation /home/admin/elem-curation

By default, this will result in a comma separated value list of exploits based on the CVE's applicable to the host. For example:


The values are as follows:

  1. Source of the exploit
  2. Source specific identifier
  3. Applicable CVE (only listed if exploit hsa been scored)
  4. CPE against which the exploit was tested (only listed if exploit hsa been scored)
  5. Score name (only listed if exploit hsa been scored)
  6. Score value (only listed if exploit hsa been scored)

Filtering Assessment Results

It is possible to filter the results of elem host assess by certain values. For example, perhaps we want to only list results where the efficacy of a privilage escallation exploit is very high. The following would help us achieve this:

(elem) [admin@localhost elem]$ elem host assess --curation /mnt/hgfs/elem-curation/ --kind stride --score 00000[8,9]

Testing an Exploit

The next major step is to test an exploit on a host. For this, we use the exploit subcommand.

Copy the Exploit to a Location on the Host

The elem exploit copy command will copy an exploit to the user's home directory by default:

elem exploit copy --source exploit-database --id 37706 --curation /mnt/hgfs/elem-curation/

From here, you can examine the exploit file and manually stage it. If the staging information is configured, the --stage will take the necessary actions to prepare the exploit for execution.

Score the Exploit

While not required, you may wish to score the exploit.

(elem) [admin@localhost elem]$ elem exploit score --id 37706 --source exploit-database --kind stride --value 000009 --curation /mnt/hgfs/elem-curation/

Patching a Host

In testing an exploit, it may be useful to test the exploit against a host that has been patched. The elem tool assists with this, though this must be executed with escallated privileges. We return to the elem host command/sub-command and use the patch sub-sub-command:

(elem) [root@localhost elem]# elem host patch exploits --curation /mnt/hgfs/elem-curation/ --source exploit-database --ids 37706