Communicate with the embody device over a serial port

pip install embody-serial==1.0.25


Embody Serial

PyPI Status Python Version License


pre-commit Black


  • Connects to an EmBody device over the serial port
  • Uses the EmBody protocol to communicate with the device
  • Integrates with the EmBody Protocol Codec project
  • Asynchronous send without having to wait for response
  • Synchronous send where response message is returned
  • Send facade for protocol agnostic communication with device
  • Provides callback interfaces for incoming messages, response messages and connect/disconnect
  • All methods and callbacks are threadsafe
  • Separate threads for send, receive and callback processing
  • Type safe code using mypy for type checking


  • Python 3.9 or newer
  • Access to private Aidee Health repositories on Github


You can install Embody Serial via pip:

$ pip install embody-serial

This adds embody-serial as a library, but also provides the CLI application with the same name.


A very basic example where you send a message request and get a response:

from embodyserial.embodyserial import EmbodySerial
from embodyserial.helpers import EmbodySendHelper

embody_serial = EmbodySerial()
send_helper = EmbodySendHelper(sender=embody_serial)
print(f"Serial no: {send_helper.get_serial_no()}")

If you want to see more of what happens under the hood, activate debug logging before setting up EmbodySerial:

import logging


Using the application from the command line

The application also provides a CLI application that is automatically added to the path when installing via pip.

Once installed with pip, type:

embody-serial --help

To see which options are available.

Note The serial port is automatically detected, but can be overridden by using the --device option.

Example - List all attribute values

embody-serial --get-all

Example - Get serial no of device

embody-serial --get serialno

Example - List files over serial port

embody-serial --list-files

Example - Set time current time (UTC)

embody-serial --set-time

Example - Download files

embody-serial --download-files


Contributions are very welcome. To learn more, see the Contributor Guide.


If you encounter any problems, please file an issue along with a detailed description.


I get an error message saying 'no module named serial' or similar

This is a known issue and is usually caused by one of two things.

Ensure you haven't installed serial or jserial

Embody-serial uses the pyserial library. Run pip list to see if either the serial or jserial library is installed. If they are, remove them with pip uninstall serial.

Problems with pyserial

Sometimes, for whatever reason, it is necessary to re-install pyserial. Perform a pip uninstall pyserial and then pip install pyserial to see if this helps.