
A Django app to store basic informations about entities

pip install emencia-django-bazar==0.6.2


Emencia Django Bazar

A Django app to store basic informations about related entities (like customers, suppliers, ourselves, etc..).


Since 0.6.0 version, Django <= 1.8 support has been dropped, South migrations have moved to south_migration, initial Django migration start from last south migration and so if you want to upgrade you will need to fake the initial migration.



  • Note cards for entities: can contains content text or/and a file attachment;
  • Optional markup into note cards content (default is no markup, RestructuredText is easily available);
  • Django-CodeMirror usage if markup is used with RestructuredText;
  • Assets management with django-assets;
  • i18n usage for front interface;
  • Templates prototyped with Foundation5;
  • Tags for note cards using jQuery-Tags-Input into form;



Add bazar app and its requirements to your installed apps in settings :


Then add its settings :

from bazar.settings import *

See the app settings.py file to see what settings you can override.

Also there is some settings for requirements: taggit, djangocodemirror and sendfile. See their documentation for more details how to configure them properly.

And add its views to your main urls.py :

from django.conf.urls import url, patterns
from filebrowser.sites import site as filebrowser_site

urlpatterns = patterns('',
    url(r'^bazar/', include('bazar.urls', namespace='bazar')),

Finally install app models in your database using Django migrations:

python manage.py migrate