
Look up emojis by text and copy them to the clipboard.

hacktoberfest, hacktoberfest2021
pip install emojisearcher==0.6.0


Emoji Searcher

Automate the boring stuff: I have been googling emojis and manually copying them to my clipboard (it's especially painful when posting to Facebook).

So it was time to write a script to look up emojis by text from the command line and copy them to the clipboard.

By default it takes the first match in case there are multiple matching emojis. However if you append a dot (.) to a word you get to choose which emoji gets copied.

How to install and run it

$ git clone git@github.com:bbelderbos/emojisearcher.git
$ cd emojisearcher
$ python3.10 -m venv venv
$ source venv/bin/activate
(venv) $ pip install -r requirements.txt

# search from cli
(venv) $ python -m emojisearcher.script bicep
Copied 💪 to clipboard

(venv) $ python -m emojisearcher.script snake
Copied 🐍 to clipboard

(venv) $ python -m emojisearcher.script tada
Copied 🎉 to clipboard

# search interactively (specially useful if there are multiple matches, you can choose)

(venv) $ python -m emojisearcher.script

Type one or more emoji related words ...
End a word with a . if you want to select an emoji if there are multiple
matches, otherwise the first match will be picked. Type 'q' to exit.
> snake
Copied 🐍 to clipboard

Type one or more emoji related words ...
End a word with a . if you want to select an emoji if there are multiple
matches, otherwise the first match will be picked. Type 'q' to exit.
> grin
Copied 😺 to clipboard

Type one or more emoji related words ...
End a word with a . if you want to select an emoji if there are multiple
matches, otherwise the first match will be picked. Type 'q' to exit.
> grin.
1 😺
2 😸
3 😀
4 😃
5 😄
6 😅
7 😆
8 😀
9 😁
Select the number of the emoji you want: 4
Copied 😃 to clipboard

Type one or more emoji related words ...
End a word with a . if you want to select an emoji if there are multiple
matches, otherwise the first match will be picked. Type 'q' to exit.
> q

# running the tests
(venv) $ pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
(venv) $ pytest

Using a shell alias can be really convenient for this (assuming you have the project cloned in ~/code):

# .zshrc
function emo {
    # subshell so you don't stay in the virtual env after running it
    (cd $HOME/code/emojisearcher && source venv/bin/activate && python -m emojisearcher.script "$@")

$ source ~/.zshrc
$ emo snake
Copied 🐍 to clipboard

# or get multiple emojis at once
$ emo snake bicep tada heart fire
Copied 🐍 💪 🎉 💓 🔥 to clipboard

After sourcing your .zshrc you can now get emojis copied to your clipboard fast using emo bicep, emo tada etc.


Update: I am using rich now to retrieve a list of emojis, it seems a bit more accurate (e.g. our beloved 🎉 emoji). I will be enhancing the cli interface with this awesome library ...

Other ways

While sharing this on social media I learned about some useful OS shortcuts to retrieve emojis, thanks Matt!