
find emotion scores from a list of words

pip install emotion-nrc-affect-lex==0.0.4



This module is a emotion classifier that classifies emotion of a list of words and gives aggregated scores for each emotion. The classifier is based on NRC Affect Intensity Lexicon. The lexicon has close to 10,000 entries for eight emotions that Robert Plutchik argued to be basic or universal. Some words has multiple emotions to varying degree. Here is how the classifier works:

•The classifier first matches the words with the lexicon and fetches the emotions and intensity score for each matching from the lexicon.

• Then it sums the scores along the emotions and gives a mood score of the song. The emotion intensity are given from 0 to 1 in floats so the aggregated score is a float as well.

• It multiplies the number of appearances of these mood words in the song with the intensity score to give a corrected weighting of each emotion.


Run the following to install:

'''python pip install emotion_nrc_affect_lex '''


'''python from emotion import* text = ["love", "hate", "like"] em = Emo(text) em.weighted_emotion_scores em.affect_dict em.raw_emotion_scores em.word_frequencies '''