
Subtype Salmonella Enteritidis genomes using a 33bp k-mer typing scheme

Salmonella, Enteritidis, subtyping
pip install enteritidis-subtyping==0.1.0


enteritidis_subtyping: Subtype Salmonella Enteritidis genomes

Subtype Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Enteritidis genomes using an in-silico 33 bp k-mer subtyping method developed by Genevieve Labbe et al.

Subtype Salmonella Enteritidis genome assemblies (FASTA files) and/or whole-genome sequencing reads (FASTQ files)!


If you find this tool useful, please cite as:

A robust genotyping scheme for Salmonella enterica serovar Heidelberg clones circulating in North America. Geneviève Labbé, James Robertson, Peter Kruczkiewicz, Chad R. Laing, Kim Ziebell, Aleisha R. Reimer, Lorelee Tschetter, Gary Van Domselaar, Sadjia Bekal, Kimberley A. MacDonald, Linda Hoang, Linda Chui, Danielle Daignault, Durda Slavic, Frank Pollari, E. Jane Parmley, Philip Mabon, Elissa Giang, Lok Kan Lee, Jonathan Moffat, Marisa Rankin, Joanne MacKinnon, Roger Johnson, John H.E. Nash. [Manuscript in preparation]

Requirements and Dependencies

This tool has only been tested on Linux (specifically Arch Linux). It may or may not work on OSX.

These are the external dependencies required for enteritidis_subtyping:


Ensure that BLAST+ and/or JELLYFISH are installed and accessible in your $PATH.

Install enteritidis_subtyping from PyPI:

pip install enteritidis_subtyping

Or install the latest master branch version directly from Github:

pip install git+https://github.com/peterk87/enteritidis_subtyping.git@master


If you run enteritidis_subtyping -h, you should see the following usage statement:

usage: enteritidis_subtyping [-h] [-p forward_reads reverse_reads]
                            [-i fasta_path genome_name] [-D INPUT_DIRECTORY]
                            [-o OUTPUT_SUMMARY] [-O OUTPUT_TILE_RESULTS]
                            [--min-kmer-freq MIN_KMER_FREQ]
                            [--max-kmer-freq MAX_KMER_FREQ] [-t THREADS]
                            [-T TMP_DIR] [-K] [-v] [-V]
                            [F [F ...]]

Subtype Salmonella Enteritidis genomes using a 33bp k-mer typing scheme
Developed by Genevieve Labbe, Roger Johnson, PHAC-NML Guelph

positional arguments:
  F                     Input genome FASTA/FASTQ files

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -p forward_reads reverse_reads, --paired-reads forward_reads reverse_reads
                        FASTQ paired-end reads
  -i fasta_path genome_name, --input-fasta-genome-name fasta_path genome_name
                        fasta file path to genome name pair
                        directory of input fasta files (.fasta|.fa|.fna) or
                        FASTQ files (paired FASTQ should have same basename
                        with "_\d\.(fastq|fq)" postfix to be automatically
  -o OUTPUT_SUMMARY, --output-summary OUTPUT_SUMMARY
                        Subtyping summary output path (tab-delimited)
                        Subtyping tile matching output path (tab-delimited)
  --min-kmer-freq MIN_KMER_FREQ
                        Min k-mer freq/coverage
  --max-kmer-freq MAX_KMER_FREQ
                        Max k-mer freq/coverage
  -t THREADS, --threads THREADS
                        Number of parallel threads to run analysis (default=1)
  -T TMP_DIR, --tmp-dir TMP_DIR
                        Base temporary working directory for intermediate
                        analysis files
  -K, --keep-tmp        Keep temporary analysis files
  -v, --verbose         Logging verbosity level (-v == show warnings; -vvv ==
                        show debug info)
  -V, --version         show program's version number and exit

Example Usage

Analysis of a single FASTA file

enteritidis_subtyping -vv -o results.tab -O match_results.tab /path/to/SRR1002850.fasta

Contents of results.tab:

sample      subtype      all_subtypes                                    tiles_matching_subtype                                         are_subtypes_consistent  inconsistent_subtypes  n_tiles_matching_all  n_tiles_matching_positive  n_tiles_matching_subtype  file_path
SRR1002850  2; 2.2; 2.2.2;;;  1037658-; 3785187-; 2154958-  True                                            212                   17                         3                         SRR1002850.fasta

Contents of match_results.tab:

tilename                     stitle                                 pident  length  mismatch  gapopen  qstart  qend  sstart  send    evalue   bitscore  qlen  slen    seq                                coverage  is_trunc  refposition      subtype      is_pos_tile  sample      file_path
775920-               NODE_3_length_511571_cov_26.9963_ID_5  100.0   33      0         0        1       33    475240  475272  1.5e-11  62.1      33    511571  GTTCAGGTGCTACCGAGGATCGTTTTTGGTGCG  1.0       False     775920       True         SRR1002850  SRR1002850.fasta
negative3113857-1.2          NODE_4_length_474326_cov_28.1591_ID_7  100.0   33      0         0        1       33    84804   84836   1.5e-11  62.1      33    474326  TTCATGACGTCATCCCAGTCTTTTTCCGTGAAA  1.0       False     negative3113857  1.2          False        SRR1002850  SRR1002850.fasta
negative3159204-    NODE_4_length_474326_cov_28.1591_ID_7  100.0   33      0         0        1       33    130145  130177  1.5e-11  62.1      33    474326  CCGCCTCGCCAACCTGCGGCGGAGTCGCGAGCT  1.0       False     negative3159204    False        SRR1002850  SRR1002850.fasta
negative3187428-    NODE_4_length_474326_cov_28.1591_ID_7  100.0   33      0         0        1       33    158369  158401  1.5e-11  62.1      33    474326  CTTTATCAGCGCGCAGTGTCCCATTCCATCATC  1.0       False     negative3187428    False        SRR1002850  SRR1002850.fasta
negative3200083-2.1          NODE_4_length_474326_cov_28.1591_ID_7  100.0   33      0         0        1       33    171024  171056  1.5e-11  62.1      33    474326  ACCCGGTCTACCGCAAAATGGAAAGCGATATGC  1.0       False     negative3200083  2.1          False        SRR1002850  SRR1002850.fasta
negative3204925-    NODE_4_length_474326_cov_28.1591_ID_7  100.0   33      0         0        1       33    175866  175898  1.5e-11  62.1      33    474326  CTCGCTGGCAAGCAGTGCGGGTACTATCGGCGG  1.0       False     negative3204925    False        SRR1002850  SRR1002850.fasta
negative3230678-  NODE_4_length_474326_cov_28.1591_ID_7  100.0   33      0         0        1       33    201619  201651  1.5e-11  62.1      33    474326  AGCGGTGCGCCAAACCACCCGGAATGATGAGTG  1.0       False     negative3230678  False        SRR1002850  SRR1002850.fasta
negative3233869-    NODE_4_length_474326_cov_28.1591_ID_7  100.0   33      0         0        1       33    204810  204842  1.5e-11  62.1      33    474326  CAGCGCTGGTATGTGGCTGCACCATCGTCATTA  1.0       False     negative3233869    False        SRR1002850  SRR1002850.fasta
negative3254229-    NODE_4_length_474326_cov_28.1591_ID_7  100.0   33      0         0        1       33    225170  225202  1.5e-11  62.1      33    474326  CGCCACCACGCGGTTAGCGTCACGCTGACATTC  1.0       False     negative3254229    False        SRR1002850  SRR1002850.fasta

Analysis of a single FASTQ readset

enteritidis_subtyping -vv -t 4 -o results.tab -O match_results.tab -p SRR5646583_1.fastq SRR5646583_2.fastq

Contents of results.tab:

sample      subtype      all_subtypes                                    tiles_matching_subtype                                         are_subtypes_consistent  inconsistent_subtypes  n_tiles_matching_all  n_tiles_matching_positive  n_tiles_matching_subtype  file_path
SRR5646583  2; 2.2; 2.2.1;;;  1983064-; 4211912-; 4568600-  True                                            212                   21                         3                         SRR5646583_1.fastq; SRR5646583_2.fastq

Contents of match_results.tab:

seq                                freq  sample      file_path                                tilename         is_pos_tile  subtype      refposition        is_kmer_freq_okay
ACGGTAAAAGAGGACTTGACTGGCGCGATTTGC  68    SRR5646583  SRR5646583_1.fastq;  SRR5646583_2.fastq  21097-      True    21097              True
AACCGGCGGTATTGGCTGCGGTAAAAGTACCGT  77    SRR5646583  SRR5646583_1.fastq;  SRR5646583_2.fastq  157792-     True    157792             True
CCGCTGCTTTCTGAAATCGCGCGTCGTTTCAAC  67    SRR5646583  SRR5646583_1.fastq;  SRR5646583_2.fastq  293728-       True      293728             True
GAATAACAGCAAAGTGATCATGATGCCGCTGGA  91    SRR5646583  SRR5646583_1.fastq;  SRR5646583_2.fastq  607438-2.2.1         True     2.2.1        607438             True
CAGTTTTACATCCTGCGAAATGCGCAGCGTCAA  87    SRR5646583  SRR5646583_1.fastq;  SRR5646583_2.fastq  691203-       True      691203             True
CAGGAGAAAGGATGCCAGGGTCAACACGTAAAC  33    SRR5646583  SRR5646583_1.fastq;  SRR5646583_2.fastq  944885-     True    944885             True
GCGAACTGGCGAAACGCCTTGGCGTGGAACAAC  77    SRR5646583  SRR5646583_1.fastq;  SRR5646583_2.fastq  1047714-    True    1047714            True
ACAACACCGGGGTGGAGGCGCTGATTGTGCAGG  1     SRR5646583  SRR5646583_1.fastq;  SRR5646583_2.fastq  1697637-  True  1697637            False
GCCTGCGTTCAGTCGCTTGGGCGATATGCTGGA  65    SRR5646583  SRR5646583_1.fastq;  SRR5646583_2.fastq  1983064-  True  1983064            True

Analysis of all FASTA/FASTQ files in a directory

enteritidis_subtyping -vv --threads <n_cpu> -o results.tab -O match_results.tab -D /path/to/fastas_or_fastqs/

enteritidis_subtyping will only attempt to analyze the FASTA/FASTQ files within the specified directory and will not descend into any subdirectories!


Copyright 2017 Public Health Agency of Canada

Distributed under the GNU Public License version 3.0