Episode Renamer v0.1
This utility allows you to easily rename your messy episode files. It will allow
you to easily rename your files with custom formatting, generate checksums, and
verify file integrity. Extracts information by making use of the AniDB api,
TheTvDb api, and by scraping epguides. The program sequentially polls the websites
looking for an acceptable match to the show name. Once it is found the information is
stored in a sqlite database. If you wish to add another web source simply add a python
module in the eplist/web_sources
folder and define a function named poll
within that module. The modules in the eplist/web_sources
folder will automatically be imported and used to search for your show.
Logs, databases, and renamed file information are all saved in the resources folder.
On windows it can be found in the %appdata%/eplist
folder, on linux it can be in
. To edit the default settings open up the settings.py file and poke
If your environment does not support UTF-8, which is necessary for properly displaying some show title, you can make use of the simple gui. PySide is required in order to make use of the gui.
- Python: 2.7
- BeautifulSoup: 3.2.0
- Requests: 0.9.0
- PySide 1.0.6 (optional, used for gui)
eplist "Cheers" --season 3 --episode 2
Performs a search for the show "Cheers", then returns the second episode from the third season
eplist pwd --season 1 --rename .
Uses the current folders name to search for the show, the attempts to rename the episodes from the first season
eplist "Cheers" -r . --format "<series:proper> - <type> <episode:pad> - <title> [<hash>]"
Renames the episodes in the current directory using show information from cheers using a custom format
eplist "Baccano" -r . -e 1-5
Renames the first five episodes of the show "Baccano" in the current directory
eplist pwd --verify
Verifies the integrity of the episode by comparing it to the checksum in the filename (if one is not present it is skipped)
eplist --gui-enabled
Uses the graphical user interface rather than the command line to rename your shows, allows proper display of utf-8 if your environment dosen't (Windows)
- -h/--help: Display the help message and exit the program
- -d/--display-header: Display some descriptive information about the show
- -v/--verbose: Enables extra output to see whats going on
- -s/--season: Filters the episodes that are in the season range passed
- -e/--episodes: Filters the episodes that are in the range range passed
- -f/--format: Uses the format string passed to present the show titles
- -g/--gui-enabled: Uses a PySide gui rather than a CLI, currently unstable
- -r/--rename: Attempts to rename the episodes in the directory passed
- -u/--undo-rename: Will attempt to undo the last renaming operation in the current directory
- --delete-cache: Destroys and then recreates the episode database
- --update-db: Downloads an updated listing from AniDB
- --verify: Will try to verify the integrity of the episodes by checking the crc32 sum (if present)
- --filter: Filters the episodes show by type (episodes, specials, or both)
This program allows you to use custom formatting to rename your episode files. The tags can be changed by editing the dictionary in the config.py file in the resources folder.
- episode_name_tags: Will replace the tag with the episodes name
- episode_number_tags: Replaces the tag with the episodes number in the season
- episode_count_tags: Replaces the tag with the episodes total overall number in the series
- series_name_tags: Replaces the tag with the series name
- season_number_tags: Replaces the tag with the episodes season
- hash_tags: If you are renaming files it will replace the tag with the checksum (if it was not previously present in the filename then it will compute it)
- type_tags: Replaces the tag with the episodes type, eg. Episode, DVD, OVA, etc
In addition to the formatting, this program allows you to modify the results of the tags with some basic text modifiers. You modify the tag by using <tagname:mod1:mod2:...:modN>
- pad: If the output is an integer it will automatically pad zeros
- upper: Capitalize the resulting string
- lower: Convert the string to lower case
- proper: Converts the string to a representation with proper capitalization.