
A library of mathematical functions for Project Euler

pip install euler-maths==0.1.0


Euler Maths


A collection of useful functions for mathematical calculations, mostly concerned with prime numbers and basic algebra on natural numbers.

Key features

  • Prime number sieve
  • Primality test
  • Prime factors sieve
  • Euler's totient function
  • Mobius function
  • Modular inverse


The functions contained here are commonly used in solving Project Euler problems.


Note: These are NOT solutions to any particular problem.

Module Dependencies

To improve execution speed and memory usage, many of the functions take advantage of either:


  • primes(N) - Performs prime sieve and returns an array of primes <N.
  • primes_iter(N) - Rerforms prime sieve and returns bitarray iterator of primes <N.
  • prime_factors(N) - Returns array of unique prime factors for each number < N.
  • is_prime(n) - Determines if n is prime (utilising the Miller-Rabin test for large values).
  • euler_totients(N) - Returns an array with value of Euler's totient function for numbers <N.
  • euler_totient(n, prime_factors) - Calculates Euler's totient function of n given a list of its prime factors.
  • mobius_array(N) - Returns an array with value of the Mobius function for numbers <N.
  • square_free(N) - Counts of the number of square-free values <N.
  • modular_inverse(a, n) - Computes the inverse of a modulo n.
  • isqrt2 - Integer square-root function compatible with Numba.


The package can be installed from PyPI by running:

pip install euler-maths


Once installed, simply import the module and use the functions it provides.

import euler_maths

# array([2, 3, 5, 7])

# [0, 0, 1, 2, 2, 4, 2, 6, 4, 6]

Improving Performance at Runtime

The functions using native Python and Numpy are designed to be compatible with the Numba's JIT compiler. The only exception is primes_iter, which uses the Bitarray module and is not compatible with Numba.

When dealing with large enough values, Numba can significantly improve execution speed compared to vanilla Python. To take advantage of this in your script, use the numba.njit decorator on the desired function.