
avro, event-driven, kafka, library
pip install eventy==3.1.0a11



This repository has been migrated to GitLab.



Eventy defines components to help building an event-drivven app.

  • event / command model
  • serializer of event / command
  • consumer of event / command
  • emitter of event / command
  • consumer of http requests
  • app used as the glue for all this components

The module provides some implementations :

  • avro serializer
  • kafka consumer / emitter
  • Sanic http request handler


server.py file :

from eventy.app.eventy import Eventy

# init eventy app
app = Eventy()

# configure the serializer
# requires EVENTY_EVENT_SERIALIZER config variable to be set
# if Avro serializer is used, requires additional AVRO_SCHEMAS_FOLDER variable to be set
serializer = app.configure_event_serializer(
    settings=settings, serializer_name='serializer')

# register event/command classes
# the name specified must match the avro schema full name
# a regex pattern can be used as matching name
serializer.register_event_class(CreatePaymentCommand, 'qotto.payment.command.CreatePaymentCommand')
serializer.register_event_class(PaymentCreatedEvent, 'qotto.payment.event.PaymentCreated')
serializer.register_event_class(GenericEvent, 'qotto.contract.*.Contract[Suspended|Activated]')

# configure a command consummer
# requires EVENTY_EVENT_CONSUMER config variable to be set
# if Kafka consumer is used, requires additional KAFKA_BOOTSTRAP_SERVER config variable
app.configure_consumer(settings=settings, serializer=serializer, consumer_name='payment_commands_consummer',
                       event_topics=['payment-commands'], event_group='payment', position='latest')

# configure an event consummer
# requires EVENTY_EVENT_CONSUMER config variable to be set
# if Kafka consumer is used, requires additional KAFKA_BOOTSTRAP_SERVER config variable
app.configure_consumer(settings=settings, serializer=serializer, consumer_name='payment_events_consummer',
                       event_topics=['payment-events'], event_group=None, position='earliest')

# configure a command/event emitter named emitter
# requires EVENTY_EVENT_EMITTER config variable to be set
# if Kafka producer is used, requires additional KAFKA_BOOTSTRAP_SERVER config variable
app.configure_emitter(settings=settings, serializer=serializer,

# configure the http handler
# requires EVENTY_HTTP_HANDLER_PORT config variable to be set
    settings=settings, http_handler_name='http_handler')

# register a blueprint on the http handler (sanic)

# register some elements in the app
app.set('payment_repository', adapter.get_payment_repository())

# register other async tasks

# start the app - actually launch the asyncio loop

settings.py :

# Eventy configuration
EVENTY_EVENT_SERIALIZER = 'eventy.serializer.avro.AvroEventSerializer'
EVENTY_EVENT_CONSUMER = 'eventy.consumer.kafka.KafkaConsumer'
EVENTY_EVENT_EMITTER = 'eventy.emitter.kafka.KafkaProducer'

# Avro configuration
BASE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))
AVRO_SCHEMAS_FOLDER = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'avro_schemas')

# Kafka configuration
KAFKA_BOOTSTRAP_SERVER = 'qottodev:31090'

commands.py :

from eventy.command.base import BaseCommand

class CreatePaymentCommand(BaseCommand):

    def __init__(self, data: Dict[str, Any]) -> None:

    # This method is called by the consumer to instantiate the class
    def from_data(cls, event_name: str, event_data: Dict[str, Any]):

    # Map the name with the event defined in the avro schema
    # This method is called when registering the event on the serializer
    def name(cls):
        return "qotto.payment.command.CreatePayment"

    # This method is called when the command is received
    async def execute(self, app: BaseApp, corr_id: str):

        # Emit an event on topic payment-events
        payment_created_event = PaymentCreatedEvent(data={...})
        await app.get('emitter').send(payment_created_event, 'payment-events')

        # Previously registered elements can be retrieved using their name
        payment_repository = app.get('payment_repository')

events.py :

from eventy.event.base import BaseEvent

class PaymentCreatedEvent(BaseEvent):

    def __init__(self, data: Dict[str, Any]) -> None:

    # This method is called by the consumer to instantiate the class
    def from_data(cls, event_name: str, event_data: Dict[str, Any]):

    def name(cls):
        return 'qotto.payment.event.PaymentEvent'

    # This method is called when the event is received
    async def handle(self, app: BaseApp, corr_id: str):

blueprints.py :

from sanic import Blueprint

bp = Blueprint('sms')

@bp.route('/sms', methods=['POST'])
async def sms(request):
    # app is registered on each request
    app = request['app']

Additionnal parameters

Consumption behavior can be tuned with the folowwing parameters:

  • EVENTY_CONSUMER_MAX_RETRIES: the max number of retries to perform in case of failure (exception raised). When the max is reached the process is killed. Default to 10.
  • EVENTY_CONSUMER_RETRY_INTERVAL : the base time to wait (in ms) before retrying. Default to 1000ms.
  • EVENTY_CONSUMER_RETRY_BACKOFF_COEFF : the coeff to apply to increase the waiting time between each tries (ex: ). Default to 2.

Earliest consumer position

When 'earliest' position is specified for consumer within a group, a checkpoint is saved and the consumer start at the beginning of the topic. When the checkpoint is reached, the callback register with 'set_checkpoint_callback' method is called.