
Feature resolution from whole-genome alignment data.

comparative, genomics, evopython
pip install evopython==0.0.1



evopython is an object-oriented Python package designed for genome-scale feature resolution from whole-genome alignment data.


evoython depends on just biopython and can be installed with

pip install evopython


evopython parses genome annotation data and whole-genome alignment data, providing an interface for accessing the former in the context of the latter. Ensembl is a great resource for both; whole-genome alignment MAF files and gene annotation GTF files can be downloaded from their FTP site, indexed here.

evopython was designed to support a linear, progressive form of analysis, where

  1. GTF or BED instances are initialized with their respective files;
  2. these dictionary-like data structures are queried for instances of the Feature class; and
  3. these Feature instances are resolved from a pairwise or multiple whole-genome alignment, represented with the MAF class.

In general, we have analyses of the form:

from evopython import GTF, MAF

genes = GTF("path/to/genes")
wga = MAF("path/to/wga", aligned_on="species_name")

for gene_name in genes:
    feat = genes[gene_name]['feat']
    alignments = wga.get(feat)
    if len(alignments) == 1:
        # The alignment is contiguous; do something.
        # The alignment is discontiguous; do something else.

We can parse any feature type in the GTF (see the GTF description below) and further generate derived, secondary features with the Feature class's pad method (see the Feature description below).

For specific usage examples, see the Jupyter notebooks in the examples directory.


class evopython.GTF(gtf: str, types: tuple = tuple())

A nested dict mapping gene name to feature name to a list of Feature instances; each high-level gene dict has two additional keys, attr and feat, with the former mapping to a dict with annotated information such as "gene_biotype" indicating whether the gene is protein-coding and the latter mapping to the gene's Feature instance.


  • gtf: The GTF file path.
  • types: The feature types to parse; gene features are parsed by default.

class evopython.BED(bed: str, on_name: bool = False)

A dict mapping locus tuple or name value to Feature instance; in the former case, loci have the form (seqname, start, end, strand).


  • bed: The BED file path.
  • on_name: A bool expressing whether name field values should be used as keys to the features.

class evopython.Feature

A stranded, genomic feature.


  • chrom: The chromosome name.
  • start: The forward-mapped, 0-based, inclusive starting coordinate.
  • end: The forward-mapped, 0-based, exclusive ending coordinate.
  • strand: The strand, plus or minus for forward or reverse.

Instance properties:

  • is_forward: A bool expressing forward strand orientation.
  • is_reverse: A bool expressing reverse strand orientation.


locus(self, base: int = 0, strand: bool = False)

Returns the locus in a generic genome browser format.


  • base: The coordinate system to use, 0 or 1, where the former is half-open on the end and the latter fully closed.
  • strand: A bool expressing whether to include the strand at the end of the locus.


  • ValueError: An invalid base was given.

pad(self, pad5: int, pad3: int, center: int = 0)

Pads the feature.

Positive padding is tanatamount to feature extension and negative padding to feature shrinkage; with centering, both can be used to derive features that do not overlap the source feature.


  • pad5: The number of bases to add to the 5'-end of the feature.
  • pad3: The number of bases to add to the 3'-end of the feature.
  • center: 5, 3, or 0, indicating how to, or to not, center the padding: passing 5 prompts 5'-centering, such that padding is applied on the 5' coordinate; 3 likewise prompts 3'-centering; and 0, the default, prompts no centering, such that the whole feature is padded.


  • A new, padded Feature instance.

class evopython.MAF

A resolver for multiple alignment formatted whole-genome alignment data.


  • maf_dir: The path to a directory of MAF files, each following the naming scheme chromosome_name.maf.
  • aligned_on: The species that the chromosome names correspond to.


get(self, feat: Feature, match_strand: bool = True)

Finds an alignment for a feature.


  • feat: The feature to get an alignment for.
  • match_strand: A bool expressing whether the alignment should match the feature's strand; if False, the alignment is mapped to the forward strand.


  • A list of dicts mapping species to tuple, where tuple[0] is a Feature instance describing the alignment's position and tuple[1] the aligned sequence.


To test feature resolution,

  1. clone the repository with git clone https://github.com/fiszbein-lab/evopython,
  2. download the MAF files into their respective directories using the provided FTP links;
  3. generate random test features using the command-line script, python features.py --maf path/to/maf --aligned-on species_name, where aligned_on is the name of the species the file is indexed on (see tests/data/meta_data.csv); and
  4. run the test from the command line with python -m unittest tests/test_resolution.py.