Execute With Notify

ewn, wrapper
pip install ewn==1.0.10


Execute With Notify

This is wrapper script, what can notify you when your tasks failed.


  1. Notify with email
  2. Publish logs to Graylog/Logstash
  3. Notify with zabbix
  4. Run commands in background (key --daemon)
  5. Prevent duplicate processes
  6. Retry failed commands


pip install ewn


You must modify file /etc/ewn.conf


  • Exec command with notify for default recipients ('user1@example.com' and 'user2@example.com'):
    ewn -c 'echo "This is test command" && /bin/false'
  • Exec command with notify for custom recipients ('user3@example.com' and 'user4@example.com'):
    ewn -c 'echo "This is test command" && /bin/false' -r "user3@example.com" "user4@example.com"
  • Exec command with comment message. It will be attached to email and Graylog message:
    ewn -c 'echo "This is test command" && /bin/false' --comment "This command will always fail"
  • Exec command in background (daemon) mode. It will ignore SIGHUP signal.
    ewn -c 'echo "This is test command" && /bin/false' -d
  • Exec command that prevent duplicate processes:
    ewn -c 'echo "This is test command" && /bin/sleep 3600' --dont-duplicate
  • Exec command with 3 retry on failure and 30 sec interval between retries:
    ewn -c 'echo "This is test command" && /bin/false' --retry 3 --retry-sleep 30
  • Exec command with custom valid exitcodes (default is 0). If command exit with exit code 1, 3 or 255 email will not sent.
    ewn -c 'echo "This is test command" && /bin/false' --valid-exitcodes 1 3 255

You can combine any keys like:
ewn -c 'echo "This is test command" && /bin/false' -d --dont-duplicate -r "user3@example.com" "user4@example.com" --retry 3 --retry-sleep 30 --valid-exitcodes 1 --comment "This command will never fail because 1 on valid exitcodes"


GPL v3