
This library is a fork of the popular django-rest-auth library, with some customizations and additional features added to suit my specific use case.

pip install exarth-rest-auth==1.0.3


Django Rest Auth!

This library is a fork of the popular django-rest-auth library, with some customizations and additional features added to suit my specific use case.


  • User registration and authentication using email and password
  • User management (view, update, and delete)
  • Token-based authentication
  • Password reset and change functionality
  • Social authentication (e.g. Facebook, Google)


To install this library, simply run the following command: Copy code

pip install git+https://github.com/saqib-devops/django-rest-auth-exarth-version.git
pip install exarth-rest-auth


To use this library in your Django project, follow these steps:

  • Add exarth_rest_auth to your INSTALLED_APPS in settings.py
  • Add the library's URLs to your urls.py:
urlpatterns += [
    re_path(r'^rest-auth/', include('exarth_rest_auth.urls')),
    re_path(r'^rest-auth/registration/', include('exarth_rest_auth.registration.urls')),

JWT Support (JSON web token)

By default dj-rest-auth uses Django’s Token-based authentication. If you want to use JWT authentication, follow these steps:

pip Install djangorestframework-simplejwt

djangorestframework-simplejwt is currently the only supported JWT library.

Add a simple_jwt auth configuration to the list of authentication classes.


Add the following configuration value to your settings file to enable JWT authentication in dj-rest-auth.


Declare what you want the cookie key to be called. If you want to use the refresh token feature, also be sure to set that variable.

JWT_AUTH_COOKIE = 'my-app-auth'

JWT_AUTH_REFRESH_COOKIE = 'my-refresh-token'

This example value above will cause dj-rest-auth to return a Set-Cookie header that looks like this:

Set-Cookie: my-app-auth=xxxxxxxxxxxxx; expires=Sat, 28 Mar 2020 18:59:00 GMT; HttpOnly; Max-Age=300; Path=/

If JWT_AUTH_REFRESH_COOKIE is also set, it will also set a comparable cookie for that. JWT_AUTH_COOKIE is also used while authenticating each request against protected views.


  • The remaining features are same as rest auth , the only difference is it support latest version of Django