
A simple library that covers sqlite3's basic functionality.

pip install exendb==0.0.2



A simple library that covers sqlite3's basic functionality.

Copyright 2022-present Exenifix. Licensed under MIT License, see LICENSE for details.


Using pip

$ python -m pip install -U exendb
# or
$ pip install -U exendb

From source

$ pip install -U git+https://github.com/Exenifix/ExenDB


Creating a table

from exendb import Database, SQLType

db = Database('test')
table = db.create_table(
    id=SQLType.UNIQUE(SQLType.INT), #column named id with type INT with unique value
    name=SQLType.TEXT, #named name, type TEXT
    surname=SQLType.TEXT, #named surname, type TEXT
    is_male=SQLType.BOOL) #named is_male, type BOOL

Adding values to table

table.insert_row(151, 'John', 'Wisley', True)
table.insert_row(157, 'Joe', 'Astley', True)
table.insert_row(651, 'Mary', 'Bart', False)

Getting dict-like values

all_rows = table.get_all_rows() #type: list[dict]
single_row = table.get_single_row('id = 151') #type: dict

Updating existing row

table.update('id = 651', name='Marie')

Deleting row

table.delete_row('name = "John" AND surname = "Wisley"')

More examples in sample_table.py



Class representing a database.


  • name: str

    Name of the database (without file extension).

  • file_name: str

    Filename of the database we connect to.

  • tables: property, str

    List of tables that belong to this database.


  • get_table(name: str) -> Table

    Returns Table object if found in database's tables list.

  • create_table(name: str, **columns: SQLType) -> Table

    Creates a new table and returns Table object.

  • delete_table(name: str)

    Removes an existing table from the database.

  • select(*args, **kwargs) -> Union[dict, list]

    Performs a SELECT query to the database.


Class representing a database table. You don't construct this by yourself.


  • db: Database

    The database this table belongs to.

  • name: str

    Name of the table.

  • columns: property, list[str]

    List of column names.


  • rename(new_name: str)

    Renames the table to a new name.

  • delete()

    Deletes the table from the database.

  • add_column(name: str, _type: SQLType)

    Creates a new column with the given name and type.

  • remove_column(name: str)

    Removes a column with the given name.

  • rename_column(name: str, new_name: str)

    Renames a column with the given name to a new name.

  • get_single_row(*columns, where: str)

    Returns a SINGLE row of data in dict format, where keys are column names and values are rows values.

  • get_multiple_rows(*columns, **kwargs)

    Returns all the rows matching the given conditions.

  • get_all_rows(*columns, **kwargs)

    Returns all the rows. Equivalent to to get_multiple_rows without where kwarg.

  • insert_row(*data)

    Inserts a row into the database for the given column names.

  • update(_where: str = None, **data)

    Sets the values of the row(s) meeting the condition to the new data.

  • delete_row(where: str):

    Deletes all the rows in the table meeting the condition.