
simple EDA (Exploratory Data Analysis) visuals

pip install ez-eda==0.1.3


ez-eda overview

  • This library is a collection of simplified functions for visualizing dataframes quickly and easily
  • I started this project after needing more refined heatmaps to understanding correlation

ez correlation plot

from ez_eda import ez_corr_heatmap

This function creates a cleaner seaborn-based heatmap to show correlations between numeric features


ez_corr_heatmap(df: pd.DataFrame, vmin: float = None, vmax: float = None, center: float = 0)

  • df: input pandas dataframe
  • vmin: minimum value for heatmap scale - defaults to corr() minimum
  • vmax: maximum value for heatmap scale - defaults to corr() maximum
  • center: center for heatmap color scale - defaults to midpoint between vmin and vmax

Example Correlation Heatmap Image heatmap

ez 2D PCA Plot

from ez_eda import ez_2d_pca_plot

This function creates a simplified 2D plot of the data in seaborn to show the overall structure


ez_2d_pca_plot(df: pd.DataFrame, hue: str = None)

  • df: input pandas dataframe
  • hue: color for scatter plot (Optional)