
Download the latest emoji data from unicode. Also several utility functions to use emojis as well as an emoji log formatter.

api, auth
pip install ez-emoji==0.1.13


Whos your daddy works badge

ez-emoji 👋

We have some emoji data for you. You can grab standard unicode emojis, in txt or json format above. Also we maintain the a current set of the github markdown emojis.

Fresh data 🎉

Fresh emoji data is always availabe here in the repository's root directory.

File Description
EZEMOJI_UNICODE.txt A simple txt file definition of each emoji. This could easily be adapted to any language.
EZEMOJI_UNICODE.json This is a more detailed format using json with the structure illustrated below.
EZEMOJI_GITHUB.md This is list of all the github markdown emojis, updated via Github's API.

    "generated": 1656354239,
    "generator_version": "0.1.3+build.83",
    "unicode_version": "14.0",
    "groups": ["smileys_emotion", "people_body", "component", "animals_nature"],
    "subgroups": {"smileys_emotion": ["face-smiling", "face-affection", "face-tongue", "face-hand"]},
    "emojis": {
      "grinning face": {
        "emoji": "\ud83d\ude00",
        "name": "grinning face", 
        "annotations": ["face", "grin", "grinning face"],
        "code_point_str": "1F600",
        "subgroup": "face-smiling", 
        "group": "smileys_emotion", 
        "status": "fully qualified",
        "version": "1.0",
        "sentiment": "+",
        "errors": [],

Install your own copy 💾

Github Actions is generating our data here via cron once a week, on Saturday night. However, if you prefer, go ahead and use downloader.py to download your own emoji data whenever you desire.

python downloader.py [optional_destination_directory]

Unicode seems to release major version updates about once per year. They also do some minor updates in between.

Use 💪

Download and use our data, or download the entire package. We have a few utilities as well which are a work in progress. One is a python Log Formatter which uses emojis. That utility also utilizes another which simply picks random emojis based on the sentiment desired.