
Quickly make PDF tables.

pip install ez-pdf-tables==1.0.3



Quickly make PDF tables.

Requirements and Supported Environments

Python 3.7+ and Windows or Linux (tested on Ubuntu 20.04.3).

This package is dependent on the following Pythjon packages.


Install via pypi.

pip install ez-pdf-tables


To create a table, an existing dataset is needed. This can be a path to a CSV file, a pandas DataFrame object, or a list of lists.

Provide this along with a destination file and title when instantiating the StandardTable object.

from ez_pdf_tables import StandardTable

t = StandardTable(
	'My Report'

This creates the object, but not the PDF itself. To finish creation, call the get function.

report_pdf = t.get()

StandardTable also has an optional default_leadings parameter, which is set to True by default. This option sets the leading attribute for all defined ez_pdf_tables styles in ALL_CUSTOM_STYLES to automatically account for the font size.

Any styles within or added to ALL_CUSTOM_STYLES list will be updated when any StandardTable is instantiated with default_leadings set to True and/or StandardTable.get is called with update_leadings set to True.


You can optionally set numerous attributes that make table manipulation simple. A list of all of the possible attributes is in the Table Attributes section below.

from ez_pdf_tables import StandardTable

t = StandardTable(
	'Another Report',
	subtitle_text = 'A Subtitle',
	borderless = True

Alternatively, all attributes can be set after instantiation. The below produces the same result as the above.

from ez_pdf_tables import StandardTable

t = StandardTable(
	'Another Report',
t.subtitle_text = 'A Subtitle',
t.borderless = True

Be Aware

There are a few options that may conflict with one another, or override each other. For instance, table_style_override will ignore borderless, since it is expected the user will specify exactly their custom reportlab.lib.styles.ParagraphStyle object.

To Do

  • Documentation.
  • Ambiguous variable names - some variables are named poorly.

All StandardTable Attributes

This section explains all the possible attributes that can manipulate a table's appearance, and their default values.

Text to appear below the title. By default, both are not drawn. If subsubtitle_text is supplied and subtitle_text is not, the subsubtitle_text will be drawn directly below the title and a warning issued.

  • subtitle_text = ''
  • subsubtitle_text = ''

The default cell and header styles.

  • cell_style = NORMAL_STYLE
  • header_style = HEADING_STYLE

Default page sizes. A4LETTER is equal to (913.92, 666.96).

  • page_size = A4LETTER
  • page_width = self.page_size[0]
  • page_margin = HALF_INCH
  • right_page_margin = HALF_INCH
  • left_page_margin = HALF_INCH
  • top_page_margin = HALF_INCH / 2
  • bottom_page_margin = HALF_INCH / 4

How large the table should be in contrast to canvas.

  • table_scale = 1

Default cell size and font size.

  • table_cell_size = 10
  • cell_fontsize = 18

Which rows to repeat on each page. If changed to and empty list, none will repeat.

  • repeat_rows = [1,]

Default header colour, which is reportlab.lib.colors.cyan.

  • header_color = colors.cyan

Draw the table borders or not.

  • borderless = False

Define a list of column indices to omit certain columns when drawing.

  • omit_column_list = []
    • Example: t.omit_column_list = [3,9,14]

Define a list of column indices to set the column order, will also drop any omitted columns

  • order_column_list = []
    • Example: t.order_column_list = [0,1,2,5,3] will rearrange the dataset to put column 5 after column 2 and omit column 4.

The length of text a column must reach to be automatically text-wrapped. It is not recommended to set this very high.

  • wrap_limit = 30

Define a list of column indices to wrap text in.

  • wrap_column_list = []

Define a list of criteria to check for in each cell to see if that entire row should be bold, and/or define a column index where an entire row should be bolded after. Note that if both bold_criteria and bold_criteria_index are specified, both must be met.

  • bold_criteria = []
    • Example: t.bold_criteria = ['Total', 'Count'] will bold cells that match either "Total" or "Count".
  • bold_criteria_index = []
    • Example: t.bold_criteria_index = [3,] will bold any cell that is within the target column, 3.

Bold the entire row if a criteria is met and is in this list. Note this list can contain criteria without needing to be in bold_criteria.

  • bold_row_criteria = []

Define a manual table style. Do not pass a reportlab.platypus.TableStyle object here! Pass the parameters to be passed to the object. See the ReportLab documentation (section 7.2, page 85) for information on creating a manual table style.

  • table_style_override = []

Define a manual heading style. Must be a reportlab.lib.styles.ParagraphStyle object.

  • override_heading_style = None

Set to true to disable wrapping of cell values in reportlab.platypus.Paragraph. Also prevents any reportlab.lib.styles.ParagraphStyle from being applied to cells.

  • bypass_table_paragraphs = False

Columns to convert to text when generating. Note that this shouldn't ever be needed as pandas.DataFrame and list are both converted to text automatically during processing.

  • columns_as_text = []


All included styles in ez_pdf_tables are added to the ALL_CUSTOM_STYLES list constant.

  • NORMAL_STYLE is reportlab.lib.styles.getSampleStyleSheet()['Normal'].
  • HEADING_STYLE is reportlab.lib.styles.getSampleStyleSheet()['Heading5'].
  • TITLE_STYLE is based on reportlab.lib.styles.getSampleStyleSheet()['Title'], with the following modifications:
    • Center alignment
    • Font size of 48
    • Font type of Helvetica
  • SUBTITLE_STYLE is based on reportlab.lib.styles.getSampleStyleSheet()['Title'], with the following modifications:
    • Font size of 22
    • Space after text of 6
  • BOLD_STYLE is the same as NORMAL_STYLE but with a font type of Helvetica-Bold.
  • CENTERED_STYLE is the same as NORMAL_STYLE but with center alignment.
  • SMALL_STYLE is the same as NORMAL_STYLE but with a font size of 6.
  • BLUE_HIGHLIGHT_STYLE, YELLOW_HIGHLIGHT_STYLE, and GREEN_HIGHLIGHT_STYLE are all the same as NORMAL_STYLE but with back color of reportlab.lib.colors.PCMYKColor(25,0,0,0) (blue), reportlab.lib.colors.PCMYKColor(0,0,33,0) (yellow), and reportlab.lib.colors.PCMYKColor(25,0,25,0) (red), respectively.
    • They are all usused and left as examples/options.
    • Each sets backColor initially to a preset reportlab.lib.colors option and then overwrites it. This is left as an example of what can be done.

Additional Features

When creating PDF reports, it can be advantageous to produce a multiindex dataset without repeating the indices. This package contains a method for just that, multiindex_as_is.

In pandas, a multiindex can be set on a DataFrame via passing a list of target indices to pandas.DataFrame.set_index. The same logic will apply here.

from ez_pdf_tables import multiindex_as_is

df = pd.read_csv(r'C:\some\dataset.csv')
df = multiindex_as_is(df, ['List', 'Of', 'Indices'])

Using this method can produce some pleasant tables. See examples for a full example.


Make a Default Table

No frills, default options.

from ez_pdf_tables import StandardTable

t = StandardTable(
	'Employee Salaries'

"A default table."

Borderless and Subtitles

Setting the table to be borderless and adding a subtitle.

t = StandardTable(
	'Employee Salaries',
	subtitle_text='As of 05/20/2020'

"A borderless table with subtitles."

Using Bold

Specifying values in the bold_criteria parameter is a simple way to apply bold selectively.

t = StandardTable(
	'Team Scores',
    bold_criteria = ['Yes',]

"A table with bold_criteria."

However, it can be problematic if values are repeated in multiple columns. "A problematic table with bold_criteria."

In this case, using bold_criteria_index with bold_criteria can narrow the search.

t = StandardTable(
	'Team Scores',
    bold_criteria = ['Yes',],
    bold_criteria_index = [2,]

"A table with bold_criteria_index."

Of course, if an entire column should always be bold, using bold_criteria_index alone works, too.

t = StandardTable(
	'Team Scores',
    bold_criteria_index = [2,]

Sometimes it may be desirable to embolden the entire row if the row contains some criteria. This can be defined similar to the above, by cell contents, in bold_row_criteria.

t = StandardTable(
	'Team Scores',
    bold_row_criteria = [15,]

"A table with bold_row_criteria."

Combining all of these is possible, but likely unnecessary.

t = StandardTable(
	'Team Scores',
    bold_criteria = ['Yes',],
    bold_criteria_index = [2,],
    bold_row_criteria = [15,]

"A table with all bold options."

Multiindex Tables

Multiindex allows tables to have sorted and/or hanging values. Pass a CSV file or pandas.DataFrame object into the multiindex_as_is function, along with a list of what indices should be used, in the correct order.

from ez_pdf_tables import multiindex_as_is, StandardTable

mi = multiindex_as_is(r"C:\some\dataset.csv", ['Team','Score'])
t = StandardTable(mi, r"C:\some\mi.pdf", 'Team Scores')
t.borderless = True # These look great borderless

"A multiindex table."