Utility class for reading configuration files.

pip install ezconfig==0.1.0



EZConfig is a package for parsing configuration files.



Installation Instructions

Install with pip using pip install ezconfig

The latest development version is on bitbucket and you can install it using pip install git+https://bitbucket.org/nathanaddy/ezconfig.git

Package Features

EZConfig provides three major features.

  • A Configuration class that wraps the system ConfigParser class. It exposes the same get/has/sections interface but the get method is overloaded to provide many features.

    • automatic date parsing

    • time interval parsing (specify ints, floats, or a float/str specifier like 12.5m, 3h, 2.5d.

    • Filename parsing that returns the absolute path of the config param relative to the file in which it was specified.

    • typecasting to python types

    • specifying a list, so that a list of filenames or dates or any other type supported by the library to be returned as a list of the correct type.

    • Features enabling specifying a lambda function in a configuration file, allowing easy specification for user defined functionality.

  • A ConfigurationSet class that takes a set of filenames and exposes a Configuration API interface that allows for querying the list of Configuration files together using most*significant first rules.

  • A set of functions for searching for configuration files in standard and developerfriendly locations. EZConfig can easily be used to check for repo config files, user home directory config files, and system config files and either use the oneand*only best or as a ConfigurationSet that uses them all together, using values from more-significant configuration directories.


Documentation is available at https://ezconfig.readthedocs.io/

This documentation is build out of the ./doc directory and requires sphinx to build. You can view it locally by cd'ing to doc and executing make html. Documentation will be in ./doc/_build/html/index.html.