
A useful utility library for AI applications

pip install ezpyai==0.0.1a2



Welcome to ezpyai, your new best friend in the wild, wild world of AI! Whether you're a coding wizard, a data sorcerer, or just someone who likes to mess around with powerful tools, this Python utility library is here to make your life easier and your AI dreams a reality. Hack the planet, one prompt at a time!


  • Easy Integration: Plug and play with OpenAI's API(and others in the future like LM Studio, Groq, HuggingFace, custom ones, etc). No need to sacrifice any goats.
  • Simplified Prompts: Wrangle those prompts like a boss. Customize to your heart's content.
  • Structured Responses: Get clean, validated JSON responses without the hassle. Because who has time for messy data?


Getting started is a breeze. Just run this magic spell in your terminal:

pip install ezpyai

Boom! You're ready to rock.


Here's a quick primer on how to use ezpyai. It's so simple, your pet hamster could do it (assuming it's a really smart hamster).

from ezpyai.llm import OpenAI, Prompt

# Initialize the OpenAI client
ai_client = OpenAI(api_key="your_openai_api_key")

# Create a prompt
prompt = Prompt(user_message="Hello, world!")

# Get a response from the model
response = ai_client.get_response(prompt)

See? Easy peasy, lemon squeezy.


Want to dive deeper? Check out our documentation. It's packed with everything you need to become an AI rockstar.


We love contributions like hackers love caffeine. Found a bug? Have a brilliant idea? Head over to the issues page and let us know. Pull requests are always welcome!


ezpyai is unleashed under the WTFPL (Do What The Fuck You Want To Public License). Copy it, change it, or repurpose it to start your own digital riot.