F5 project

pip install f5project==0.0.25


F5 Project

Finlab Fugle for financial freedom.


Pipx (recommended)

Use pipx to create your F5 project with a template and install all dependencies.

cd ~/repos
pipx run --no-cache f5project create-project my_f5project
cd my_f5project
pip install -r requirements.txt

Then, follow these instructions to make it work:

  1. Put all your secrets in .secrets/index.json file
  2. Run python main.py to see if it works
  3. Run scripts/setup_github_secrets.py to sync your secrets with Github secrets
  4. [Optional] Follow the instructions in scripts/setup_github_secrets.py to make it a pre-push Git hook
  5. git push to deploy your code according to .github/workflows/main.yml

Traditional way

If you don't feel like using pipx, you can also run this with traditional pip.

cd ~/repos
mkdir my_f5project
cd my_f5project
python3 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install f5project
f5project f5project create-project .
pip install -r requirements.txt

Then, follow these instructions to make it work:

  1. Put all your secrets in .secrets/index.json file
  2. Run python main.py to see if it works
  3. Run scripts/setup_github_secrets.py to sync your secrets with Github secrets
  4. [Optional] Follow the instructions in scripts/setup_github_secrets.py to make it a pre-push Git hook
  5. git push to deploy your code according to .github/workflows/main.yml


This library makes it easier to use Finlab/Fugle with GCF and CD/CD.

When deploying your code on Cloud. Many troubles come up. This library helps you to solve them. Including:

  • Read config from a simle JSON file or environment variables, depending on your environment.
  • Extract Fugle config and certificate from config, dynamically generate them as needed, by-passing Fugle's restriction that only accepts files as input.
  • Provide a decorator to make your function a GCF endpoint, without worrying about the request/response format.
  • Simulate GCF request locally.
  • Sync Github secrets with local config, make CI/CD easier.

With all of these, you can focus on your trading strategy and iterate faster, letting this library handle the rest.