
A lightweigt html5 renderer for fmri volumes

fmri, raytracing, volume-rendering
pip install fMRI-Volumetric-Renderer==0.2.7



A volumetric fMRI renderer for jupyter notebook. Built using WebGL.

This project presents a method for visualizing volumetric MRI and fMRI data based on a discrete raytracing algorithm and OpenGL. Data is pre-processed and then attached to the html template document, the renderer itself is written in html. This method presents a lightweight renderer that can be used to visualize fMRI data in the output of a jupyter notebook.

Interactive example: Here

Python Render Pipeline Usage

Get the package from the pip repository using the python pip command

pip install fMRI-Volumetric-Renderer

Display volume from file

import nibabel as nib
import torch

from volume_plot_utils import plotter

#load an example nifti file
brainData = nib.load("data/sub-0x/func/subject-data-file.nii.gz")

#load the nifti data into a pytorch tensor
activationSequence = torch.tensor(brainData.get_fdata().T)

#use the displayVolume function to display the volumetric data in ipynb

General HTML Template Usage

The example python shows usage with pytroch and nibabel but html displays can be created from a template by substituting keywords from the template file: see for more information

Interactive example: Here

Gif showing the renderer