A simple library of trading models.

finance, trading, models
pip install fa-models==1.0.63



A set of models often used for trading services. The library offers merely models and is database agnostic.


Freya Alpha, The Kára System, Spark & Hale Robotic Industries


Run and compiled for Python 3.9.13. Expected to run for Python 3+



run tests with pytest -s -vv to see all the details. This is extremely important for the library. It could make multiple pods fail.

Installation as Consuming Developer

Simply run: pip install fa-models

Import in modules without the dash (e.g.): from famodels.signal import Signal

Setup as Contributor

Create the virtul environment:

py -m venv .venv

Start the Environment:


(or allow VS Code to start it). Use deactivateto stop it.

Upgrade the PIP.

python -m pip install --upgrade pip

All the required libraries must be listed in requirements.txt and installed by

python -m pip install -r .\requirements.txt

For Dev use

python -m pip install -r .\requirements-dev.txt

To cleanup the environment run:

pip3 freeze > to-uninstall.txt

and then

pip3 uninstall -y -r to-uninstall.txt


pip3 install pip-autoremove

Build Library

Prerequisite: make sure that you give your Operating System user the right to modify files in the python directory. The directory where pyhton is installed. Use python setup.py bdist_wheel to create the dist, build and .eggs folder.

Reference from a different project

In order to use your own version of the project - to maybe contribute to the library - simply clone the code from github into new directory. Then add the path of that new directory to the requirements.txt file of your project. Then change in fa-models whatever you recommend to improve. Don't forget the Open-Closed Principle: extend only (unless it requires a breaking change)

Releasing a new version

Simply commit and push into MAIN. Make sure you have tested well.

Github Actions (.github/workflows/testing_and_deployment.yml) will deploy the file to pypi.org.

Manual and old process

Delete any old files in the /dist and build folder of your local environment. Update your pip:

python -m pip install --upgrade pip

Install the tools build, twine and bumpver:

python -m pip install build twine bumpver

Upgrade the setuptools:

pip install --upgrade setuptools

Bump the version in pyproject.toml:

bumpver update --patch

This will commit a new version to GitHub.

Build the project:

python -m build

Check the distribution:

twine check dist/*

Upload to test-pypi to validate:

twine upload -r testpypi dist/*

Login with username: (password should be known)

If the test-upload was successful, finally, upload to pypi production:

twine upload dist/*


(P.S. Do not forget to update the library in your projects: pip install --upgrade fa-models)bumpver update --patch