
A library that makes creating API clients simple and declarative

client, client-library, python2, python3, rest-api, rest-client, sdk, sdk-python
pip install fabricate-it==1.1.0



Have an API? Make a client.

What is it?

fabricator provides a fast, declarative-ish interface for creating clients for APIs. Create clients for ReST APIs in just a few lines of code.

I don't believe you, show me...

Ok, fine. I'll show you.

First, you'll need to install fabricator. It's been tested to be compatible with Python 2.7 and 3.6.

First, install fabricator

Install with pip (Recommended)

pip install fabricate-it

or, just clone it into your project

git submodule add http://github.com/boichee/fabricator.git

Now, use fabricator

In this example, we'll create a client that works with an imaginary "Todo" API (I know, boring example...) Imagine we have a "Todo API" (I know, boring example) that looks like this:

GET     /__health
GET     /api/v1/todos/
GET     /api/v1/todos/:id
POST    /api/v1/todos/
PUT     /api/v1/todos/:id
DELETE  /api/v1/todos/:id

You can create a client for all of these endpoints like this:

from fabricator import Fabricator

def MyTodoAPI():
    # Establish a client instance using the Fabricator class
    client = Fabricator(base_url='https://todos.com')
    # Now, you start adding your endpoints
    client.get(name='health', path='/__health')
    # Endpoints for the To-Do resource
    # Note: You don't have to create a group, but its a nice feature that saves some typing and 
    # allows you to group handlers and other features (more on that later)
    todos = client.group(name='todos', prefix='/api/v1/todos') 
    # Now that we have a group, we can create endpoints within it
    todos.get(name='all', path='/')
    todos.get(name='one', path='/:id')
    todos.post(name='create', path='/')
    todos.put(name='update', path='/:id')
    todos.delete(name='remove', path='/:id')
    # .start() locks the Client and prepares it for use.
    # And return it, of course
    return client

Actually, since this CRUD structure is so common in ReSTful APIs, there's a shortcut method to create APIs that have this topology - .standard():

from fabricator import Fabricator

def MyTodoAPI():
    # Establish a client instance using the Fabricator class
    client = Fabricator(base_url='https://todos.com')
    # Now, you start adding your endpoints
    client.get(name='health', path='/__health')
    # Create the group
    todos = client.group(name='todos', prefix='/api/v1/todos')

    # Now create all the endpoints in one go
    # Note when using this shortcut the endpoints will have the names:
    # all, get, create, overwrite, update, delete
    # .start() locks the Client and prepares it for use.
    # And return it, of course
    return client

Ok, that's great. But how do I use that? Glad you asked...

from fabricator.exc import *
client = MyTodoAPI()

# Let's try doing a health check with our new API
resp = client.health() # The `resp` object is a standard requests.Response instance
print("Status code was: %s" % resp.status_code)

# Ok, now something more complicated, let's create 5 todos
for i in range(5):
    s = 'Thing to do #{}'.format(i)
    resp = client.todos.create(value=s)
    if resp.status_code is not 201:
        print('The todo was not created!')
        print('Successfully created Todo #{}'.format(i))
# Ok, but how do I find one of the todos?
# Note that the param 'id' is the same as the ':id' we used above
resp = client.todos.one(id=1)
if resp.status_code is not 200:
    print('Could not get the Todo!')
# Extract the data
first_todo = resp.json()

# first_todo is now a dict with the form { 'id': 1, 'value': 'A thing to do' }
first_todo['value'] = 'Go outside and see the sun!'

# Let's update the todo
resp = client.todos.update(**first_todo)
if resp.status_code is not 200:
    print('The todo with ID %s did not update as expected' % first_todo['id'])
# Actually, who needs it! I can remember to go outside on my own!
_, status_code = client.todos.remove(id=1)
if status_code is not 204:
    print('The Todo with ID 1 was not removed. Oh no!')

Wow, right?

Response Handlers

You may not want callers to have access to, or to work directly with, the requests.Response object when a call is made. Maybe you want to do some response handling?

Use a response handler

A response handler is just a function with the signature Callable[[request.Response], Any]

Fabricator provides some default response handlers for you to use:

  • handler_json_decode
  • handler_check_ok
from fabricator import Fabricator, handler_json_decode
client = Fabricator(base_url='https://todos.com', handler=handler_json_decode)

This handler_json_decode handler is super simple and is just provided for convenience. It does 3 things:

  1. It checks the result of each request, and makes sure the status code was in the 200 or 300 range. If it's not, an FabricatorRequestError or FabricatorRequestAuthError is raised (if auth was the problem).
  2. If the request was successful, it will try to decode the body of the request under the assumption it contains json data. If that works, it will parse the JSON into python objects. If it doesn't work, it falls back to returning the raw body as a string.
  3. As long as no request error occurred, it returns a tuple with the form (response_body, response_status_code).

I mention this because it's likely that your API will have some unique differences or you might want your client to return things in a different form.

Writing your own response handler

You can see an example of a custom response handler that effectively creates DAO's. It's in examples/examples.py. Here's the gist:

# A response handler will receive the `requests.Response` instance that comes back from the HTTP request. It's up to you what to do with it.

# Imagine we want to create a MyTodo class and have all responses auto-converted into an instance

class MyTodo:
    def __init__(self, id, value):
        self.id = id
        self.value = value
def handler_todo_response(resp):
    if not resp.ok:
        return None
        data = resp.json()
        return MyTodo(**data)
        return None
from fabricator import Fabricator
client = Fabricator(base_url='https://todos.com', handler=handler_todo_response)

# You can set response handlers at any level. So they can be applied to a group, or just
# a single endpoint, if desired.

todos = client.group(name='todos', prefix='/api/v1/todos', handler=handler_todo_response)

# or...

todos.get(name='one', path='/:id', handler=handler_todo_response)

In the example above, if you only apply the handler to a group, but not to the parent API, the parent API will use whatever handler it received on endpoints outside of that group. Same goes for a handler set on a specific endpoint--only that endpoint will use the handler if you didn't set the handler at a higher level.

The no-op response handler

If you don't provide a value for handler when initializing your API, the default is to use the no-op response handler. This literally just returns the requests.Response instance that the python requests module generates.

If you don't provide a response handler when initializing a Fabricator (or using client.set_handler()), you're going to want to do this instead:

from fabricator import Fabricator
client = Fabricator(base_url='https://todos.com')
client.get('health', path='/__health')

# Call is the same, but notice we're now only expecting a single value as the response
resp = client.health()

# If you want the status code, do

# If you want the response text, you can do

# Response json? Sure:

# Want to know what else there is? Check out the docs for the `requests` package

Setting a handler after instantiation

You can set a handler after you instantiate the client with set_handler:

status_code_handler = lambda r: r.status_code

client = Fabricator(...)

What about auth?

Most API's do require that you authenticate yourself somehow. To do so here, you create an auth_handler. An Auth Handler has the signature:

Callable[[requests.Request], requests.Request]

Basically, your auth handler will receive the Request instance that is about to be sent to the API, and you can modify any part of it to make auth work properly.

fabricator provides a basic auth handler for JWT auth. But it's easy to write your own. Let's imagine, for example, that rather than using the Bearer scheme, your API prefixes its tokens with JWT:

import os

def jwt_auth_handler(req):
    req.headers['Authorization'] = 'JWT %s' % os.environ['AUTH_TOKEN']
    return req

That's it. Provide that, and every request will have an Authorization header added that looks like this:


You provide it when initializing your API, or group, or even a specific endpoint.

What if I don't want auth in some cases?

In the opposite case, where you don't want auth to happen on a specific endpoint--or within a particular group--you can just supply the provided no_auth auth handler. You do that like this:

from fabricator import Fabricator
from fabricator.extras import no_auth

client = Fabricator(...)
client.post(name='login', path='/api/v1/auth/', auth_handler=no_auth)

Set 'auth_handler' after instantiation

Just like with response handlers, you can set an auth handler at any time using the .set_auth_handler method.

Headers, anyone?

Headers can be provided at any level. At the top level API() instance creation. At the time you create an client.group(), or when registering an endpoint. It basically works the same as auth and handlers. Just provide a dict with the headers you want included:

from fabricator import Fabricator

# Now every request will be set to have a content type of JSON unless you override at a deeper level
client = Fabricator(..., headers={ 'content-type': 'application/json' })

Can I add a header?

Yes, you can add a header at any time, to either the root client, or any group using the .add_header method.

from fabricator import Fabricator

client = Fabricator(...)
client.add_header(name='X-CUSTOM_HEADER', value='custom_value')

# Or you can add to a group the same way
g = client.group(name='v1', prefix='/api/v1')
g.add_header(name='X-CUSTOM-HEADER', name='custom_value')


As of Fabricator 1.1.0, naming collisions are no longer a problem thanks to some additional magic. You can now name your endpoints whatever you'd like.

As a result, however, it's become more important that you always use keyword parameters when calling the builder functions. This means:

# BAD. Don't do this.
client.get('one', path='/:id')
client.add_header('X-IP', '')

# GOOD. Do this instead
client.get(name='one', path='/:id')
client.add_header(name='X-IP', value='')

Failing to use keyword arguments when building clients with Fabricator can lead to unexpected behavior—particularly if you mix and match keyword arguments and positional arguments.

Advanced Usage

Suppose you want to register an endpoint that works the same way with both the PUT and PATCH methods. Fabricator has a way to save some time:

from fabricator import Fabricator

# Instantiate as usual
client = Fabricator(base_url='https://todos.com')

# Now, rather than using the magic ".put" or ".patch" methods, we're going to use ".register". 
# Fabricator uses this under the hood when you use ".put" or ".patch".
client.register(name='update', path='/todos/:id', methods=['PUT', 'PATCH'])

# Start the client as usual

# Now you can use the update method to do a 'PUT' automatically (because 'PUT' was 1st in the list you provided above):
client.update(id=1, value='Important thing to remember')

# But what if I want to do a patch?
client.update.patch(id=1, value='Important thing to remember')

# What if I don't trust that it's really 'PUT'ing?
# Then you can do it explicitly!
client.update.put(id=1, value='Important thing to remember')

In fact, you can always call the execution methods explicitly if you want. But if you're only assigning 1 HTTP method to an endpoint method, there's no need.

Running Tests

Fabricator uses py.test. To run the test-suite, do the following:

Make sure all dependencies are installed

pip install -r requirements.txt

Then run the tests


That's it.