
faceext for hiding all of your clothes and background except your face

pip install faceext==0.0.3



This is under review.

This is a faceext Python software for hiding all of your clothes and background except your face. faceext.py is based on two state-of-the-art libraries including mediapipe library for segmenting a face from the original image and opencv library for superimposing faces and monotonous backgrounds (black, white, or gray).

faceext has been downloaded 7876 times worldwide.

OBS studio can play a virtual camera so that the crafted image of extracted face with superimposed monotonous background can be fed to remote meeting applications. Remote meeting applicaions including Zoom, WebEx, and Google meet were successfully tested.

Python3.7 or Python3.8 is recommended.

How to install faceext

You need to install OBS studio: https://obsproject.com/download

You also need to install mediapipe and opencv:

$ pip install mediapipe

$ pip install opencv-python

Finally install faceext

$ pip install faceext

$ pip install faceext --force-reinstall --no-cache-dir --no-binary :all:

How to run faceext

Run faceext.

$ faceext

Your face with gray color background will be popped on the screen.

There are three background colors: black "-B", gray "-G", and white color "-W". The default background color is gray.

$ faceext -G

You can add a message or name on the crafted image.

$ faceext -B yoshi


$ faceext -W yoshiyasu takefuji

Run OBS studio and select the popped image as source.

Then press the "start virtual camera" button in OBS studio.

Run any remote meeting application and select OBS virtual camera in video source selection.

That is all.