
farbe lets you use colorized outputs in Python.

pip install farbe==0.1



Hello Colors


$ pip install farbe


Just type in these commands and check if your terminal can print colors properly:

>>> import farbe
>>> farbe.test()

It prints the supported combinations of colors and effects: Test

Basic Usage

Specify the color you want to use and feed a string to the Farbe object's print method.

>>> from farbe import Color, Farbe
>>> bb = Farbe(Color.Fg.BrightBlue)
>>> bb.print('Hello, Bright Blue')
Hello, Bright Blue
>>> white_fg_red_bg = Farbe(Color.Fg.White, Color.Bg.Red)
>>> white_fg_red_bg.print('White characters on red background')
White characters on red background
>>> italic = Farbe(Color.Fg.Normal, effects=[Color.Effect.Italic])
>>> italic.print('Characters in italic')
Characters in italic


Using Colored objects

Colored objects can be used in combination with normal strings.

>>> red = Farbe(Color.Fg.Red)
>>> yellow = Farbe(Color.Fg.Yellow)
>>> error = red.colored('Error')
>>> warning = yellow.colored('Warning')
>>> print('[' + error + '] Something went wrong!')
[Error] Something went wrong!
>>> print('🐍 ' + warning + '! 🐍')
🐍 Warning! 🐍


Supported Colors and Effects

Foreground Colors

Color Name Code
Normal Color.Fg.Normal
Black Color.Fg.Black
Red Color.Fg.Red
Green Color.Fg.Green
Yellow Color.Fg.Yellow
Blue Color.Fg.Blue
Magenta Color.Fg.Magenta
Cyan Color.Fg.Cyan
White Color.Fg.White
BrightBlack Color.Fg.BrightBlack
BrightRed Color.Fg.BrightRed
BrightGreen Color.Fg.BrightGreen
BrightYellow Color.Fg.BrightYellow
BrightBlue Color.Fg.BrightBlue
BrightMagenta Color.Fg.BrightMagenta
BrightCyan Color.Fg.BrightCyan
BrightWhite Color.Fg.BrightWhite

Background Colors

Color Name Code
Normal Color.Bg.Normal
Black Color.Bg.Black
Red Color.Bg.Red
Green Color.Bg.Green
Yellow Color.Bg.Yellow
Blue Color.Bg.Blue
Magenta Color.Bg.Magenta
Cyan Color.Bg.Cyan
White Color.Bg.White
BrightBlack Color.Bg.BrightBlack
BrightRed Color.Bg.BrightRed
BrightGreen Color.Bg.BrightGreen
BrightYellow Color.Bg.BrightYellow
BrightBlue Color.Bg.BrightBlue
BrightMagenta Color.Bg.BrightMagenta
BrightCyan Color.Bg.BrightCyan
BrightWhite Color.Bg.BrightWhite


Effect Code
Bold Color.Effect.Bold
Faint Color.Effect.Faint
Italic Color.Effect.Italic
Underline Color.Effect.Underline
SlowBlink Color.Effect.SlowBlink
RapidBlink Color.Effect.RapidBlink
Reverse Color.Effect.Reverse
Conceal Color.Effect.Conceal
CrossOut Color.Effect.CrossOut