
fuzzy, assert, matching, nested
pip install fassert==0.3


^fassert$: Fuzzy assert

Fuzzy assert in your tests only a subset of data that matters

from fassert import fassert

# Usage: fassert(<data>, <template>)

fassert("This is expected", "This is expected")

fassert("This matches as well", re.compile(r"[thismachewl ]+", re.I))

    {"key": "value", "key2": "value2"},
    {"key": "value"}
) # key2: value2 is ignored as it's not defined in the template

    {"key": "value", "abc": "value"},
    # You can nest and combine the fuzzy matching types in containers
    {re.compile(r"[a-z]{3}"): "value"}

    [1, {"very": {"nested": {"dictionary": "data"}}}, {"not": "this"}],
    # Isn't this cool?
    [{"very": {re.compile(".{6}"): {"dictionary": lambda x: len(x) == 4}}}]

# Template can contain callables as well
fassert("value", lambda x: x == "value")

    fassert("expected", "to not match")
    fassert({"a": "b"}, {"c": "d"})  # This will fail, {"c":"d"} is not in the target data
    fassert([1, 2, 3], [4])
    fassert("string", b"string")  # bytes != string in fassert
except AssertionError:
    pass  # All the examples within the try block above will raise this exception

In fassert, you can define a template to match your data against. When you use a type that is a container (e.g. list, tuple, dict, etc...), then only the data that you defined in the template will be asserted. All the addition data in the container will be ignored

Did you know this project is also dedicated to have 0 dependencies on other packages?


From PyPI: pip install fassert


pip install . 

# Run tests with:
python -m unittest discover -s tests/

Advanced usage

fassert function is equivalent in creating a default FuzzyAssert() object and calling match on it. You can configure some behaviour of the fuzzy matcher via the object attributes like so:

from fassert import FuzzyAssert

fasserter = FuzzyAssert()
# Eval functions is turned on by default
fasserter.match("value", lambda x: x == "value")

fasserter.eval_functions = False
# This will now raise Assertion error
fasserter.match("value", lambda x: x == "value")

Bellow is an overview of the configurable options and their default values

Name Default value Description
eval_functions True Enable template matching as callable functions
regex_allowed True Enable matching regexes from template agains strings in the data
fuzzy_sequence_types False Ignore types of similar sequence types when matching the template (e.g. tuple vs list)
check_minimum_sequence_length True Check that the data has a minimum length of greater or equal to the template