
A service to check the health of your applications SQLAlchemy connection.

pip install fastapi-healthcheck-sqlalchemy==0.1.0



A module built on top of fastapi_healthcheck to check the status of your SQLAlchemy connection. This requires a Table given to the health check so it can run a count of rows against it. As long as it returns a value, the connection is alive.


pip install fastapi-healthcheck-sqlalchemy or poetry add fastapi-healthcheck-sqlalchemy

How to use

This module just exposes the service layer that will be used to parse your middleware connection to your database.

from fastapi import FastAPI
from fastapi_sqlalchemy import DBSessionMiddleware
from fastapi_healthcheck import HealthCheckFactory, healthCheckRoute
from fastapi_healthcheck_sqlalchemy import HealthCheckSQLAlchemy

app = FastAPI()

# Bring SQLAlchemy online first.
app.add_middleware(DBSessionMiddleware, db_url=cs.value)

_healthChecks = HealthCheckFactory()
        # The name of the object for your reference
        alias='postgres db',  

        # The Table that we will run a count method against.

        tags=('postgres', 'db', 'sql01')

app.add_api_route('/health', endpoint=healthCheckRoute(factory=_healthChecks))